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Author's pov:

Taehyung is sitting on the couch,

Jungkook took him to this company, saying he has a small job and asked him to wait here and promised to go out with him as soon as his work got finished

It's been 10 minutes Jungkook is still not here.

Taehyung pouted tracing his feet on the floor and looked around with doe eyes caressing his small babybump

Jungkook soon walked out of the lift with a girl

Taehyung's eyes just stared at them

Jungkook is smiling at her and that
girl is giggling to whatever he is saying

And what made Taehyung's blood boil was the way she kept her hand on Jungkook's chest and Jungkook didn't said anything,just held her hand and continued to talk with her

Taehyung's eyes brimmed with tears
as he looked down and let his tears fall.

He stood up wiping his tears and walked out

Taehyung sniffles as he walked out hurriedly and that's when he bumped with some man.

Taehyung was gonna fell on the floor at the impact but strong veiny arms and a rough grip on his shoulder,stopped him from falling

Taehyung has his hands on his babybump as he slowly looked up with teary eyes

A man wearing a formal suit in his late 20's held him gently and made him stand on his feet properly

Taehyung moved away from him looking down and the man took his hands away from him after asking taehyung if he is ok.

“I am ok"Taehyung mumbled in a small voice and wiped his tears

“what happened?
why are you crying ma'am?"
That man asked in his deep voice
in a calm tone.

Taehyung shook his head wiping his tears and tried his best to flash a smile at the man while saying that he is ok and everything is alright

please take this"That man offered his clean white handkerchief to Taehyung

Taehyung glanced at it and hesitantly took it to not offend the kind man,who helped him

Taehyung mumbled thankyou and was gonna leave but that's when he felt a strong tug on his saree and he gripped tight and looked back with wide eyes.

His saree tangled with the man's shirt buttons

That man noticed it too and began to help Taehyung by untangling it.

Taehyung stood there holding his saree tight on his shoulder to not let it fall down while that man is trying to untangle taehyung's saree from his button.

Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw Jungkook

Jungkook literally teared his saree away from that man's shirt
gave a death glare to him, gripped taehyung's wrist bruisingly and dragged him out of there.

Taehyung cried more at the pain of how Jungkook is gripping his wrist

Taehyung got slammed to the car.

Taehyung protectively kept his hands on his babybump and cried crouching down to the ground.

Jungkook made him stand up by fisting his hair.

He opened the car's door and forcedly pushed taehyung inside

Taehyung fell on the car's back seat
and Jungkook slammed the door close

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