You're fucking pathetic.

Start from the beginning

With the deal sealed, Vanity and Tiffany wasted no time in making their exit, eager to share the good news with Sid. As they stepped out onto the bustling streets of New York, a sense of excitement filled the air, the promise of new beginnings hanging tantalisingly within reach.

"So, what's the plan now?" Tiffany asked, her voice bubbling with anticipation. Vanity grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she linked arms with her best friend.

"Now? Now, we celebrate," she declared, her voice filled with determination. "We'll find a way to make this work, Tiff." She said excitedly, she couldn't wait to tell Sid, she'd worked so hard to get him these gigs and the fact they're both off of heroin is really going to make a difference. then after the performance they'd both get a nice little reward afterwards.

Vanity had been doing nothing but calling people in hopes of booking Sid for a gig and she'd been doing that for at least a week and a half now and as they strolled down the bustling streets of New York, Vanity and Tiffany basked in the energy of the city, their spirits filled by the promise of success. The towering skyscrapers cast long shadows over the sidewalks, while the chatter of pedestrians and the rumble of traffic filled the air with a vibrant symphony of urban life.

Tiffany glanced around, her eyes alight with excitement as she took in the sights and sounds of the city. "This place is incredible, even better than i remember it." she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "I can't believe we're actually making things happen for Sid."

Vanity nodded, a proud smile gracing her lips as she squeezed Tiffany's arm. "It's amazing what we can achieve when we put our minds to it," she remarked, her voice tinged with satisfaction. "And we're just getting started, Tiff. There's so much more we can do."

Their conversation was punctuated by the occasional honk of a horn or the distant wail of a siren, but for Vanity and Tiffany, the noise of the city faded into the background as they revelled in the joy of their success. Now all Vanity wanted to do was get home and tell Sid. 

After a quick trip to get some food from the shops Vanity and Tiffany made their way back to the Chelsea Hotel. making their way up three flights of stairs to room 113 where Sid and Vanity were staying, Mickey and Tiffany couldn't stay at the hotel Chelsea so ended up staying at another hotel not too far away from them. 

Vanity burst through the door shouting Sid's name. "SID! SID!" she shouted, her eyes fell on Mickey who was sat on the end of the bed next to Sid with his acoustic guitar on his lap, Sid strumming his bass, which was miserably out of sync with Mickey's

"Hey Mick!" Vanity greeted him as Tiffany gave him a kiss on his head and a side hug which he happily lent into. "SID! SID! Guess what!" she shouted happily however Sid didn't answer her. She bent down slightly down to Sid's level. "I did it for you baby! I got you three gigs at Max's! At least three maybe more are you excited!" Vanity asked with a huge smile on her face however Sid didn't replicate her enthusiasm. "Yeah." He mumbled, he looked tired again, and his eyes were trained downwards. 

"Sid?" Vanity now felt sad, she'd worked so hard to get him at least one gig, never mind three, and it seemed like he didn't even care. "Sid...what the hell's going on?" She huffed. "We're just jamming ya know?" Sid said in a very slow and out of it way. As Vanity turned around her eyes unintentionally fell on...


he hadn't...

that fuck...

"What? What is this?" Vanity snatched the needle from the top of the TV cabinet, holding it so tightly in her grip that it turned her knuckles white. now she could put two and two together. 

"Sid. Mickey did you give him this?" She asked angrily, as she stared Mickey down. He looked doped up as well. "Look i just gave it to him so we could jam alright just be cool Van" He said, this only made Vanity's frustration worse. She bared her teeth "Don't tell me to 'be cool" she threw the needle across the room as she turned her head to Sid. 

"Sid, Sid we had a deal! we said that we weren't gonna do anymore smack until after your gig you arsehole!" She shouted as she grabbed the neck of his bass and ragged it out of his hands, throwing it to the floor. Sid wasn't fazed at all by this as if it was just white noise and Vanity's screaming just went in one ear and out the other. 

"You fucking dick! Shit i can't trust you as far as i can fucking throw you! we had a deal! we said we weren't gonna do anymore smack till after the gig u fuck-" Vanity moved across the bed as Sid had crawled up next to the headboard, she grabbed a pillow and began to absolutely bash Sid over the head with it, though it was soft she didn't care, it was the closest thing to her and with how hard she was hitting him with the pillow it must've hurt a little bit. 

"And you didn't even save me any you selfish fuck-head!" She continued to hit him with the pillow. "You arsehole, you motherfucking dick-" She was cut off when Sid snatched the pillow out of her hands, causing Vanity to fall onto the bed. 

He got up, stumbling out of the room leaving Vanity laid there, however she wasn't giving up like that. instead she got back on her feet rushing out of the door after him. "Sid! You're the fuck-head!" She shouted and just as she followed Sid out onto the landing, as if it was in slow motion, Sid toppled down the long flight of stairs. 

Vanity just snarled and shook her head. Tiffany must've heard it as she was just walking down the second flight down, she rushed back up to see Sid's crumpled up figure laying passed out on the floor. "What the fuck is going on?" She asked "Shit is he alright?" She knelt next to Sid, brushing the black hair out of his face. 

"No he's a fucking arsehole junkie" Vanity snarled and walked to join where Sid was, kicking him in the lower ribs. Tiffany's eyes widened in shock as she watched Vanity kick him, a mixture of disbelief and concern etched on her face. "Vanity, what are you doing? He needs help," she pleaded, her voice tinged with urgency.

Vanity's chest heaved with anger as she glared down at Sid's motionless body, her fists clenched at her sides. "He's a fucking hypocrite," she spat, her words dripping with venom. "He promised he wouldn't touch the stuff without me. We made a fucking deal."

Tiffany's brow furrowed in concern, her gaze flickering between Vanity and Sid. "But you're both in this together aren't you? Isn't that why you made the deal?" she reminded her gently, her voice filled with empathy. "He's struggling, Vanity. We need to support him, not lash out."

Vanity's shoulders sagged as she let out a frustrated sigh, her anger slowly giving way to exhaustion. "What about me? I'm struggling too. i was working my arse off trying to get him a fucking gig, no drugs. meanwhile he's there shooting up with Mickey. You're a junkie too Tiffany we all are so why don't you get help first!" She lashed out again. Tiffany sighed. "I'm just trying to help you both.

Vanity's brows furrowed. "I know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But he broke his promise. He doesn't get to do that."

Tiffany nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting the bundle of emotions swirling within her. "I know it's hard," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "But we can't give up on him. We'll figure this out together, Vanity. I promise, i'm not giving up on you either." Vanity smiled at Tiffany gently and with that, the two women knelt beside Sid's unconscious form. Vanity lifted him up from under his arms as Tiffany picked up his legs. They both carried him back to the room. 

Vanity placed him on the bed and put the pillows in a comfortable way, just how Sid liked them. She carefully lifted his head and propped it on the pillow as she kissed his forehead gently. "I better go check on Mickey." Tiffany said. "See ya" Vanity said in a hushed voice as she laid herself next to Sid's sleeping form. 

what a promise 

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