Sylwia entered shortly after, dressed as if she had just stepped off some European catwalk, also wearing heels that made her even more gigantic; unlike AJ, the Pole didn't even look at the people in the front row who were stretching out their hands to try to shake hers, but she marched directly into the ring, with her usual sinuous and confident manner. The blonde sat in front of AJ, checking on her red nails instead of wasting her attention on the petite woman.

Stephanie welcomed both girls before opening the contract and putting it down at the centre of the table. She started doing her speech, just for then AJ to grab her own microphone and start talking. "You know what? I don't feel like signing!" She said, causing Sylwia to bite her inner cheek to not laugh and break character. "She doesn't deserve it."

Was that her best? Pathetic. Shrugging, the Pole grabbed her microphone too, crossing her long legs under the table. "Fear looks good on you, honey!" She said with a chuckle. "I do understand you, AJ... well, I really don't because contrarily to you I'm a winner, but I mean I do understand you fearing me, envying me also. But, honey, that's normal. You can join the club, you're not the only one!"

"Will you please shut up?" AJ spoke, causing people to start chanting for her. "You just returned and I'm already sick and tired of you acting you like you own this whole place! Do you think you deserve this opportunity? Do you think you deserve this title? I'll give you my answer: no, you don't. Sylwia, you may think you're the whole package, but trust me, you're just another dumb blonde with a hot body who only made this far because of her looks. Tell me, Polish Barbie, how exactly did you get here in such a short time? By natural talent or because you opened your legs to the right people? I recall a certain man really helping you being here, face to face with me, hoping to get a shot for my title."

The Polish girl jumped up, and would have even punched her rival in the nose, if it hadn't been for Stephanie who stopped her, calling both of them to calm down. After a while, Sylwia grabbed again her microphone. "Listen to me, you little parasite, this is not Sylwia Wodiczko talking to AJ Lee, this is Sylwia Wodiczko talking to April Mendez. You're nothing but a hypocrite, you say I'm only here because I opened my legs? Strange, because more than half of the locker room knows your anatomy, and believe me, they don't have positive reviews. Cody, Dolph, you've got a long list. You claim to be 'not like other divas', and you're right; you're worse. Still, your mouth is always open, and not only for speaking bullshits! You say I'm just another dumb blonde with a hot body? Darling, I'm everything you will never be, so your speaking jealousy does not affect me at all. The difference between us is that you watch me and see beauty, grace, and feel jealous, while I look at you and see a total failure and can't help but feel disgusted." The blonde said, causing mixed reactions from the crowd. Some booed her, others cheered for her. Grabbing a pen with her left hand, Sylwia signed down the contract, throwing it at AJ.

"You can keep asking how I got here this quick, go on, loose your sleep about it. I got here this quick because, yes, I do have a natural talent, but I also worked my ass off to prove myself everyday of my life. Everyday I was the first one to show up at trainings, the last one to leave, while I watched my colleagues go out and party, I stayed there, pushing myself to every limit just to get better. They told me to let go, to have some fun, but I came to America with a goal. Me, that Slavic immigrant you and these people make fun because of her accent, that blonde girl you and these idiots always underestimated. I showed why I am the best since the first moment I came here, when I was still a none I started the real women's evolution in this business. I'm not just that hot blonde bitch, I'm the saviour of this discipline, elevating this division to the very top. And when I look at you, with that title, I cannot help but think that this is nothing but a disgrace, you are a disgrace to our sport and to my division. But it's coming to an end, AJ, your reign is at its end. You got lucky because I got injured, or you would have been retired months ago. I earned this opportunity, I deserve it this title. I owe this to present self, to the whole women's division, I owe to that little immigrant girl, I owe to every Slavic girl who will look up to me and say 'I want to be her'. So, AJ, enjoy your last days as champion, I will be deciding if it's better for me to pin you or submit you; either way I will enjoy tear you down. Because trust me, at the end of our fight, you will only think of retirement, it will be so brutal that one of us won't be able to leave on her own, and it won't be me. Now sign this fucking contract!"

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