Interlude - Images

Start from the beginning

Aether and Yūrei also turned their heads as well, their eyes widening an alarm at what Caelus is doing. Kiran grabbed Caelus's wrist," Have a little class, kid-"

He regretted looking down as his eyes widened," Oh God -"

Aether's jaw dropped at what just popped out of Caelus's pants as Yūrei just saluted the Trailblazer with a firm look. The boys also looked and their eyes widened at Caelus, Jing Yuan simply just laughed as a reaction to Caelus's arousal.

"This is quite hilarious."Jing Yuan said in-between his chuckles, still eyeing what just came out of Caelus's pants as Kiran desperately tried to hide what Caelus just unleashed.

Seele and Bronya's face turned red at the implication was onscreen as it's now their turns to have their faces turn red in embarrassment at what they were seeing

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Seele and Bronya's face turned red at the implication was onscreen as it's now their turns to have their faces turn red in embarrassment at what they were seeing. Kiran just looked at the image before laughing loudly like a maniac and looked at Caelus with an amused look, whilst Caelus had a pained look on his face - as if his balls just closed on him.

"Kid, you're the luckiest person I know alongside Aether."Kiran said with a hint of amusement on his voice as Caelus just grinned.

Sparkle, however, had a different reaction as her grin vanished and a possessive glint appeared on her eyes, not liking what she is seeing. She turned her head and looked at both Seele and Bronya with an annoyed look and crossed her arms.

"If anyone's gonna have Caelus, it's gonna be me."Sparkle muttered underneath her breath, as if she sensed a competition with both Seele and Bronya. This applies to the other girls, who also sensed that this is going to be a competition - fighting over who gets to have Caelus first as their own.

Furina's face turned crimson red as her lips struggled to keep itself still, an excited grin forming on her face at what she's seeing

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Furina's face turned crimson red as her lips struggled to keep itself still, an excited grin forming on her face at what she's seeing. Neuvilette had an appalled look on his face, turning to look at Furina. In fact, half of the people of Fontaine were appalled by the sight of Furina's indecency onscreen.

"You know..."Paimon started, trying to start a conversation with an unsure look," This reminds Paimon of that time when Aether brought a drunk Furina back home and - "

Aether immediately moved to shut her mouth as Neuvilette looked at him with a protective look on his face, the grip on his cane tightened and asked in a low yet menacing voice," And what, Traveler?"

Aether struggled to find the words as a sort of justification on what exactly happened that night. However, before he can even utter it, he was stopped by Kiran.

"Come on, Neuvilette - Furina's her own woman, right? So wouldn't it be fair if you could just kill the whole Papa Bear act?"

Neuvilette's eyes narrowed and after a few seconds, he sighed, knowing that Kiran is right about his words and nodded," Whatever makes Lady Furina happy now..."

However, his eyes still bore at Aether's skull, piercing through his soul and said," If you even try anything, Traveler, I can ensure you that I shall bury you alive on my own behalf."

Aether gulped and nodded frantically, intimidated from Neuvilette's threat to him. Neuvilette also nodded in return before sitting down on his seat again. He also couldn't help but notice that the other males in Fontaine also had these blushes plastered on their faces as he proceeded to hit them with some water in order to pull them out of their state of arousal.

"You know... I want to hurt her, yet... I can't bring myself to doing it..."Arlecchino muttered with narrowed eyes, knowing better than to assault Furina for seducing Aether.

Ruan Mei simply looked on the screen, however, she was DEFINITELY aware about the redness that manifested on her face, maintaining her stoic facade but her inner self was screaming at what she just saw

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Ruan Mei simply looked on the screen, however, she was DEFINITELY aware about the redness that manifested on her face, maintaining her stoic facade but her inner self was screaming at what she just saw. Caelus wasn't able to hide his inner arousal, his hand still going for the FAT FUCKING bulge on his pants as if it was a Thursday.

"Kid... Don't tell me..."Kiran started with an annoyed look on his face as if he knew what exactly happened a few weeks ago.

"What do you mean...?"Caelus asked, in an attempt to maintain his innocence at any and all costs and to prevent his secret from coming out.

"Kid, don't fuck with me - you didn't show up for our UNO nights when we docked onto Herta Space Station for resupply and you came back the next day."Kiran's eyes narrowed in suspicion at Caelus as Caelus gulped, as if he had been caught red-handed for stealing candy.

After a few minutes, a small grin appeared behind Kiran's mask," I fucking knew it..."

The girls, however, were taking this differently as they glared at Ruan Mei, face still calm but very crimson red at what she's seeing. They're wondering what exactly did Ruan Mei do to seduce Caelus...

If they knew, they would wanna fucking choke the Genius Society Member with their bare hands.

Silver Wolf choked on her gum and dropped her phone with a shocked look the moment her eyes took a quick glance on the screen

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Silver Wolf choked on her gum and dropped her phone with a shocked look the moment her eyes took a quick glance on the screen. Kafka, however, had a sultry smile on her face as her fingers trailed down on her inner most region parts...

Kiran now glared at Caelus," Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me, kid - you're also double-timing two Stellaron Hunters?"

Caelus, however, had no memory of what Kiran was trying to imply. He raised his brow and simply looked at Kiran with a confused look and said," I don't even know what you're talking about - hell, I don't even think this actually happened before!"

Kiran narrowed his eyes, still glaring at Caelus in disbelief - as if he was actually hiding something from him, but in truth - Caelus really didn't know what happened cause Kafka erased his memories of that night...

However, the intermission has reached its end when Icarus announced that they are about to start the next viewing again - which earned him some groans from the girls, wanting to see images of themselves with Aether or Caelus.

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