Chapter 2: Outside my walls

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Dalv walked me into his house. His house smelled like corn... I see that there were candles in his house to light it up. I saw that he had a kitchen... it was small, a mini fridge, a small oven, a few cabinets, and a counter with a sink that was surprisingly empty.... he had a closet and a table that was filled with papers of things that would make a story... I saw that it was a light blue color for his walls. "Please have a look around, friend, I don't have much, but it's better than nothing." Dalv told me as I looked around. He had a window, but it was covered by curtains, I walked over to that table I mentioned earlier as I saw a story being worked on. It looks like a dragon and human helping each other out. "Oh... do you like what I'm working on? I love make story's for kids... I sometimes forget what the names of the colors are, so I make them up, but that doesn't make it really educational, though." So he's a storyteller... just like me... I started to look at them more thoroughly as I sorted them in order... it looked a bit sloppy, but the storyline looked nice.

"It looks nice... also, that pinkish purple color is Magenta. " I pointed to the small arrow he had that read 'Patoka', which was an odd name... he smiled and thanked me as I looked in his small kitchen. "What do you eat, Dalv?" I asked as I turned away from his kitchen as I saw he had a chair and a small drawer with a lamp on it as there was a book on that drawer. He also had a carpet in the middle of this room.

"Oh... I eat corn..." He answered shyly as I was surprised to know that he ate corn. Well, a vampire is supposed to drink blood, but I guess he was an exception to this.

"That's nice," I softly told him as I looked at his book... it was a fairy tale about a princess getting saved by a monster... or the book called the monster 'a hybrid.' "What's a hybrid?" I asked Dalv as he got a bit wide-eyed.

"Well... it's a mix of 2 monsters or a human and a monster... there is only one left in the underground that we know about... the rest of the hybrids were killed off for... reasons... I used to have a hybrid friend... she's gone now. " Poor Dalv must have been so alone. I stopped looking at his book as I wanted to get to snowdin...

"I'm sorry... do you want to come with me to the outside of the ruins?" I asked as Dalv stared at me fearfully and confused.

"You mean outside my walls of the dark ruin?" He questioned me as I nodded... "I don't know... I would just slow you down, Ella. " He rubbed his neck as I walked over to him.

"I think you can help me... so please..." I begged as I saw his mood shift as he blushed a small bit and then smiled. I loved his smile it was soft and kind to it...

he smiled for a minute as he ran somewhere. "Then I'll have to start packing then! I can let my friend get hurt out there! I also want to give you something!" He shouted as I inched towards his closet as I opened it to see a balloon in there. I closed it as Dalv ran out, but he tripped on his hood and fell flat on his face.

I ran over to him as I helped him up, "Dalv, are you ok?" I asked as he got up and wiped himself off. He was hiding something behind his back, and he smiled.

"Oh, I'm completely fine! I wanted to give you something! As... a token of friendship... please take it, Ella. " He pulled out a pokèmon stuffy, a shiny Zorua... wait, it looked like... Lucky? I took it as he was blushing out of embarrassment...

I felt my body shift as I stared into Luckys eyes "thanks Dalv... I missed you, Lucky, " I whispered as tears formed in my eyes as tears fell on Lucky, Dalv hugged me, noticing my tears. Suddenly, her fake fur turned fluffy, and her ghost whisps felt jiggly, I felt someone licking my tears.

"Zor... Zoura, Zor? (Translation: Ella, don't cry, please?)" I heard, I opened my eyes to see Dalv staring in awe. Lucky was alive, breathing, calling, and moving.

"Lucky!" I called as she rubbed up on me as I pet her. I picked her up as Dalv wanted to ask how she was alive. "I don't know how she's alive... but she is... we need to get going sooner or later..." Dalv nodded as he ran off and gave me a few bags as I started to help Dalv pack.

Lucky wasn't so happy with Dalv as she growled at him. "Zorua, ua... ua, ua, Zor! (Translation: That's right, you better stay away from my friend!)" She growled at Dalv, who was packing up a room as I was packing up his art stuff.

"Lucky he is the only one who we can trust... please give him a chance..." I told her as she rolled her eyes at me. She trotted on his chair and fell asleep on it.


We finally finished packing as Dalv was in a winter coat as he took his. bags outside Lucky was snorting at Dalv and walking away from him. "Zorua... (Translation: I rather not), " she muttered to herself as we opened the doors to the outside to see it was snowing felt Dalv put blue gloves on me as he smiled.

"Thanks..." I muttered as Dalv smiled again. We walked till I got too tired to continue, I saw a save point as I walked over to it.

"What is that?" Dalv pointed to the save point. I was surprised that Dalv could even see it as Lucky trotted to me. She bounces on a broken piece of wood as she shakes off snow.

"This is a save point... can we take a break, I need to rest, please?" Dalv nodded to my request as it said, 'You brought Lucky into your world and your tears... your soul... is filled with creativity.' I brought Lucky to life? I sat down, Lucky was deciding on who to lay on as Dalv sat next to me as he made his hoodie as a blanket as we finally got to rest for a minute.

Dalv tried to hold Lucky in his lap, but Lucky just snorted at him with disdain and hopped into my lap. She quickly fell asleep on me. "I guess she likes you more than me... That's ok, " Dalv muttered to himself as I knew why she was giving him the snorts and growls.

"She'll get used to you, Dalv... she always acted like this when she was with unfamiliar people. " I reassured him even though it was kind of a lie. He smiled at my words as he closed his eyes.

"Thanks for reassuring me, now rest... I'll keep watch..." I nodded as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I just know that my journey has only begun.

(Well, to answer the question about the art... that is my art. I am working on digital art. I should sign it to prove it's mine. Yet I still am going to work on the 1st book.... the fan fic girl out broski!)


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