Bad Day (NM)

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Today was just awful. At work, your coworker got pissed and just went off. She blew up, and got fired. She happened to be your 'work wife' (a platonic relationship between colleagues.)

As well as that, your period started, and cramps just suck. It feels awful, as if your going to throw up if you don't lay down soon. All you want is cuddles from Roman. But, he isn't home yet. It's 7:00, so it's dark outside. He gets home at 8:00, considering his plane hasn't landed yet and the airport is 30 minutes away. Your body longed for him, to feel his strong arms around you, those gentle kisses on your forehead, your legs intertwined with each other's. God, you craved his touch bad...

You're laying in bed, dealing with awful cramps, thinking to yourself. It hits 7:45. At 7:57, you hear a familiar voice call out "Y/N, I'm home, baby.." and you hear him setting down his suitcases. He tosses his keys on the counter and comes upstairs. "Baaaabyyyy..." he calls out. His voice is soft and calm, as it usually is.

He opens the door to see you laying on the bed, holding your stomach. He raises an eyebrow and immediately comes over to you. "You alright, Y/N?" He asks, you just nod, but he knows your lying. "Your belly hurts, mm?" He mumbles. You nod. "Pregnant? You know, I've been wanting a baby..." you shake your head. "Just period cramps, Roman.." he frowns. "Those are the worst. How about cuddles and a movie? Or...i can go grab you some chocolate? I know you like those Reese's cups, hmm?" Reeses sound good right now. You could eat about 100 of them. You nod and say quietly "I could go for some Reese's..." He chuckles and nods. "I'll go get some. And when I come back...cuddles and a movie..?" That also sounds very good to you. You give him a slight nod and he heads out again.

You lay in bed. Those cramps are absolutely killing you. You try to rub your stomach to self-soothe, but it fails miserably. You bounce your leg a bit, just wanting that pain gone. You let out a few whimpers of pain. God, they took some Tylenol, but to no avail. They were usually this bad, as it has been since you were a teenager. Heating pads never helped either. They were there sometimes, and when they were, they were awful. You usually went to sleep to get rid of them. But when you woke up, they were right back. Nonstop, 3-4 days a month, it sucked.

After a good 25 minutes, headlights flash in the window, pulling in the driveway. About 30 seconds later, the door swings open. It shuts, and footsteps receed up the stairs. The plastic bag wrinkles as roman walks up, entering the room. He sits down on the bed, next to you. He gives a soft smile, and opens the bag, pouring out like 20 reeses cups. Your eyes widen. He got all these? Wow. Either way, you eat them. You slowly unwrap it, but roman snatches it. He says "let me unwrap them for you, baby.." and so he does. He unwraps all the peanut butter cups. Now, you just put them in your mouth and let them melt. You lay down, the reeses in a pile next to you. Roman lays next to you, putting his arm around your neck and one on your stomach. He begins to gently rub your stomach, using the other hand to put on a movie. He puts on his favorite, the Fast and the Furious.

He watches it with interest, completely into the movie while still rubbing your stomach. You pop another reeses into your mouth, feeling the sweet chocolate melt on your tongue. As you're laying there, in Roman's arms, sucking on peanut butter cups, your cramps start to fade away. You start to get tired, though. You place the remaining reeses on the nightstand and nuzzle into Roman's broad shoulder. He looks down at you and smiles. "My pretty girl..." he mutters. You feel so warm and safe in his arms as he keeps rubbing your stomach, now stroking your shoulder with the hand that's around your shoulder.

You pull the warm blankets up on you both, and start to relax. The stress leaves your shoulders and back as you lay there. You feel yourself starting go into a deep sleep. "Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well, darling." He says softly as you drift off.

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