64 | okay, like 70% sure

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"He's a kid." Bailey says, looking at the patient.

"Yes." Derek simply replies.

"I just didn't think it would be a kid. A tumor that size..." Bailey turns to Shepherd. "What happens now?"

"Now we wake him up." Derek replies, turning to Maddison. "You can help hold the flap, Dr. Sloan."

"We're doing awake brain surgery on him." Bailey asks, as Maddison takes her place.

"Yes. Thank you. Andrew? A little more. Andrew? Can you hear me? Hey, want to count for me?"

"One..." Andrew says.

"Good. Keep going." Derek nods.

"Two. Three." Andrew continues.

"The tumor is located near the language center of the brain. It's always important that we don't damage it." Derek informs. "Andrew? I need you to keep talking. Can you do that? Can you talk to me?"

"I'll... I'll try." Andrew replies, nervously.

"Great." Derek nods, and turns to Maddison, nodding his head.

"Uh..." Maddison trails off, turning to Andrew. "Hi, Andrew, I'm Dr. Sloan." Maddison lets out a breath, trying to think of something to asks they boy. "Now, what grade are you in?"

"Um... seventh." Andrew answers.

"You into sports?" Maddison asks.

"Not really." Andrew slowly replies.

"How about baseball?" Derek asks.

"Um... baseball's a sport." Andrew answers.

"Right." Derek smiles. "Okay. What about, uh, girls? Do you have any girlfriends?"

"No." Andrew replies.

"Um... you probably don't have time for girlfriends, right, Andrew?" Bailey tries. "Probably too busy, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." Andrew agrees.

"What are you busy doing?" Bailey asks.

"Getting ready for the National Spelling Bee. I won the greater regionals last month." Andrew informs.

"Oh, well, in that case, you need to spell some words for us. Uh, can you do that?" Bailey asks the kid.

"Sure." Andrew replies.

"Good. Uh..." Bailey tries to think of a word.

"You usually provide the word, Dr. Bailey." Derek replies, amused.

"I don't hear you coming up with one." Bailey snaps back. "Uh, lets see. Oh, right! Um, acetaminophen."

"Acetaminophen." Andrew repeats. "Origin of the word?"

"Heck if I know." Bailey replies, making Maddison and Derek smile.

MADDISON JOINS CRISTINA, IZZIE AND GEORGE, who were sitting in the cafeteria.

"Uh, the brain surgery got over so quickly?" Cristina asks.

"No." Maddison replies, starting to eat her pudding while sulking. "Bailey threw me out because she found out I was on-call since yesterday morning and haven't eaten since yesterday's lunch."

"Oh, she's so on the mommy track." Cristina chuckles.

"She cares for us." Izzie tells her.

"Yeah, she's the best." George nods.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm missing out on brain surgery because of that." Maddison waves off.

"So, what are the sister and the father like?" Izzie turns to George.

"Who?" Maddison asks.

"Meredith's Dad's new family is George's patient." Izzie tells her.

"Like? They're like people Meredith is related to and never met." Cristina nods.

"They're nice." George imagines.

"Can you imagine?" Izzie tells them. "A sister, a whole family you know nothing about."

"With the way my parents were absent and how my brother sleeps around?" Maddison says. "I probably have that.

"You think she's going to freak out?" Izzie asks.

"It's not my responsibility to care." George replies.

"Yeah, you got her into bed, why would you care now?" Maddison scoffs.

"Heads up. Heads up." Cristina tells them, as the Chief walks up and sits down.

"Hey, Chief." George greets.

"Seems I'm a little rusty on my bead transfer and rope pass." Richard tells the interns. "Dr. Yang here, has been kicking my ass all day."

"Oh, I can't imagine, Chief." Izzie laughs.

"No, really, she has. Of course, spend and precision aren't the most important surgical skills, Dr. Yang." Richard tells her. "The basics are the key. You need a solid foundation before anything else."

They all look at each other.

"Chief, are you going to sit with interns?" Maddison asks him, amused.

"Okay, um... we'll, I'll see you back at the lab. Enjoy your lunch." Richard immediately stands up and walks away.

"You too." George says.

"Have a nice day, sir." Izzie adds.

"Bye, Chief." Maddison calls out.

"Okay, I really am kicking the Chief's ass." Cristina tells them, laughing evilly, as Meredith walks up.

As she sits down, George stands up.

"Oh, finally." Maddison smirks.

"George." Izzie tries.

"Not my responsibility. See you guys." George tells them, and walks away.

"So, who's going to be the..." Cristina trails off.

"Not me." Maddison whispers.

"It's ok. I can accept rejection. I've got my knitting." Meredith says.

"Mer..." Cristina tries.

"The weird thing is, I thought I just saw my father." Meredith tells them.

"Ohhh..." Maddison lets out.

"Okay." Izzie smiles. "That's good. That's so good."

"Did you meet your sister too?" Cristina asks bluntly.

"Half-sister. The one who's going to give birth to your half-niece or nephew." Maddison adds.

Meredith looks at them, shocked, and Izzie gives them a look of disbelief.


i've decided who's going to get shot!

i accidently published this without a title at first lmao

maddison sloan  |  GREYS ANATOMYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن