13. " Writer biter."

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Location : TX. House.
Time : 10 PM.
Perspective : Bad.

After skeppys rather.. traumatic.. flashback, we cuddled for a while longer before waking up once more. I decided to write a poem. It's especially for him and only him. He's my life.

" lover

I see him today,
Always gorgeous with praise.
His voice makes me raise,
His eyes glow,
Like a girls bow.

Hes lovely,
I can't explain my love,
It's too much for a dove.
A dove like him,
Deserves affection. "

I loved the poem I wrote.. its for him, always for him, he's pretty, lovely.. everything.. I love him so much.

Perspective : skeppy.

I no longer feel bads warmth, he's comfortable when we cuddle. I'm lucky that he found me that cold, miserable night. He's writing as usual. I don't want to disturb him so I just continue lying in bed.

I remembered I never answered the message I got that one time.. whatever it's fine.

(Important authors note. : hello! It's a calm chapter, I just wanna address something, Wilbur. I do not support what he had done, and before you say they're allegations, he confirmed it himself. This is just my perspective of it, thank you for your time, Kayla out.

/ Also yes the title was a reference to the drama.


Word count : 216

" much too love."Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя