Toga x (villain) reader (platonic btw-), a slice of life! :3

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(A/N: I feel REALLY proud of myself for this one lol, this is my last fic for now, (of x reader) I have some that are now X reader, and some that are character x character!  I do work more on x reader tho lol, anyways have fun! Btw I am working on a Shoto x reader one atm, please be patient!!)


Toga pranced towards you, as if she was skipping to a song, she grinned at you, her teeth a bit bloody. "(Y/NNN)~" she called out to you in a sing-song voice that would make most people sick to their stomach. You smile at her. She flicked her wrist and a blade was now gleaming in her hand, under the low light of the ally. "So, did you finish?" you asked, Shigiraki had sent you and Toga out for a mission. Toga bobbed her blonde head, wicked grin on her face. "He was soooo tasty, you'd never believe it!! And so easy to manipulate~" she giggled, a hand flying up to her face as she twirled the knife in her hand as if she wasn't scared to drop it.

She slammed the knife back into its holster strapped to her thighs and looked towards you. You looked up at the black sky, sadly no stars tonight and nodded. "I bet and with your skills he was even EASIER to manipulate." You remarked with a soft chuckle and looked over at the shorter girl (sorry if ur shorter than her lol-) and smiled.

Toga's yellow eyes brightened and her already creepily wide smile widened further as her hands jerked out. "You think I have skills?!" she exclaimed, her voice high and cheery as she flushed at the compliment. As always, she was fun to tease.

You nodded. "Many." you hummed after you stated that and her bright yellow eyes lit up again. "Oo! Like what, like what?!!" she pleaded, bouncing on her heels. You chuckled and shook your head. "Let's get back to base, kay?" you said, nodding towards the street. Toga huffed and narrowed her eyes, growling this next word "Meanie" she shouted, then playfully stuck her tongue out at you before grabbing your hand. 'So odd how she switches behaviors like that' you thought to yourself.

You grin and grab her pale hand as well, walking to the side of the dark street, keeping to yourself. "Soooo?" Toga asked, walking a bit ahead of you, her tone light. Her walking was bouncy and cheerful, almost like a little kid. She tilted her head, round face framed by her hair. "What should we do when we get back? I can show you the delicious blood I took! Or better ye-" she began to talk quicker, getting excited as she pulled her hands away and tapped her fingers together. You cut her off. "Slow down, your what?" you asked, watching her level her head as she skipped along. "My Blood Collection, the extra stuff I can keep!" she says as she hums a small quiet tune, hair bouncing around her face as she skips, blood still around her mouth.

She suddenly stops and her face darkens.

You went to question her behavior but she slammed a hand over your mouth and pushed you back against the brick wall, frantically looking around. Her nose twitches and her lips part into a wide smile, she whips her hand back from your mouth and flips one of her daggers out from her thigh holster, giggling to herself.

"You smell that (Y/N)?" Toga asks as she tilts her head, almost like a child would, crouching down against the wall, looking around it. Her yellow eyes scanned around, taking in the sidewalk, tall buildings on both sides of the street, the way the corner bended, someone could easily hide behind those. You shake your head as she continues to giggle, her hands fiddling with the blade. "That, that is the smell of danger, of violence~" she stated as she leveled her head, raising her dagger up to the sky. "Watch out pretty one~," she teased, her finger tracing the edge of the blade as she lowered it. "For this is about to get messy!"

You tensed and crouched next to the blonde teen, watching as you hear faint footsteps rounding the corner near a shorter building, a green lush bush next to it. You eye some benches...easy to jump off of. "Toga" you hissed quietly, pushing yourself down further behind the brick wall, the shadows mainly covering you. You didn't want her to get hurt, but also couldn't push away her desires ... .what was more important...?

She was.

"Heros" she grumbled back, eyes gleaming in anticipation. She flashed her teeth before swiftly pulling out one of the containers of blood and pushing you away. She backed behind another wall. You followed closely behind, just to see her trying to control the desire to lunge out and steal the hero's blood already.

She growled, "Don't watch." she made sure you were turned away, her eyes gleaming. You quickly grabbed her arm and yanked her down, pushing her away from the wall. "No" you said, firm. Her eyes widened in anger and moved her mouth down to your arm,you quickly pushed her arm back, and twisted it, she glared at you and backed away. "No." you repeated. She scowled and moved forward to you, away from what she could smell.

Toga pulled one of the suctions out and pointed it at you, then tensed, realizing what she was doing. She seemed to physically STRUGGLE to pull it away from you, not wanting to harm a friend. "I want to hurt them, I want to see their blood glisten below my knives, don't you?!" she growled angrily, and backed you against a wall, her hands pushing your wrists down. You swallowed down the words that wanted to bubble up, and tapped her left hand with your fingers, slightly aggravated.

You heard more footsteps and squeezed your eyes close for a moment, willing them to walk a different direction.

"Toga, no, we can't" you mumbled looking into her piercing yellow eyes. She loudly slammed the dagger back into her holster and backed away, her thigh now bleeding due to the impact. "Fine. she gritted her teeth and grabbed your arm, her eyes calming slowly as you guys walked away from the pro's. "I just want to taste them, oh their corrupted souls, I want to watch them burn!" she mumbled, skipping along, pulling you with her. Her grip was more gentle and she was slowly becoming happier as the sense of violence left her. "I'm addicted to it!" she hummed and stepped quicker, dropping your hand.

~short time skip to a bit further down the road~



You and Toga walked closely to the walls and allies of the street, the dark night helpful to hide your figures. You kept a close ear for any movement but so far it was just soft wind and yours and Toga's footsteps. Toga skipped happily, her hands swaying at her side, a wide smile on her face. "Isn't blood just SO fascinating?" she asks, not looking back at you while she tilted her round face. You shrugged and sniffed the air, damp. "I'm not particularly interested in it, but I know you like it, why?" you ask as you grab her hand and slow her to avoid cars seeing you. You quickly pulled the girl into an ally and she giggled.

"SO many reasons, it's SO shiny and tasty" she giggled even more as her eyes widened, twirling her blonde hair around her fingered as she pranced ahead of you in the dark, not very well lit alley. You nodded and took in your surroundings, walls on either side, tall, you were keeping an eye out for any heroes.... You could hear the crunch of gravel under your feet, causing you to flinch, you had to be more careful. "Slow down.." you whispered.

Toga paused and side-stepped, you looked at her and nodded. "Keep going." you said as you followed her down another path, much more rocky and gross than the first, walls even tighter around you. "It's so pretty and the smell~!" Toga exclaimed as she moved her hand from her hair to the blades strapped to her thighs, plucking one out of its place and throwing it up into the air.

You walked closer behind her, wary of the world around you, not to mention her knife. Toga swiftly caught it and stabbed the side of the wall, a soft spot that cracked. She giggled. "Oh and the FEAR on the victims face, so adorable!" she remarked, voice high and song like. She giggled and pushed the knife back away, wrapping you in a quick hug before bounding off. You looked ahead and noticed you were close to base, you sped up too and followed her to the small makeshift ramp, jumping up the window that led in. You had arrived.

You slipped in behind Toga and rushed towards the dirty and broken couch in the dusty and old abandoned apartment. Soon Sigiraki would arrive. You and Toga had completed the mission and succeeded. In getting it done, staying safe, and building more trust.

THE END, I really hope you guys liked this! I'm working REALLY hard on these now, as always, take care and stay safe my loves <333 

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