002. What's a Soulmate

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—Your A Cherry Blossom, Your About To Bloom, You Look So Pretty But Your Gone Too Soon

—Your A Cherry Blossom, Your About To Bloom, You Look So Pretty But Your Gone Too Soon

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Everyone was thinking about what they saw and what it will mean for them.

The queen was looking at the screen furiously as she gripped her fan in anger. She couldn't believe that the son of a maid would be the one to rule over her son a purebred noble.

The Screen turns on to show a garden and at a table is two people. One is an Adult Alberu, his hair is the color of gold and his eyes are still the same blue, but there is a more regal air to him and there is a sadness to his eyes and the other is a little boy with Golden hair and bronze eyes that, to the complete and utter discomfort of Deruth, look like the exact same shade as Cale's.

He looked at the boy as the realization dawned on him of the boy being the son of Cale and the prince he had never thought about Cale marrying or having a child as she had never seemed interested in it so it was shocking to see the boy.

Zed knew from the moment he saw the boy who looked like the miniature of his son but with the eyes of the Henituse-Thames daughter.

Hong was excited to be a big sibling in the future as he was younger than On.

On herself was happy to know that she would have a sister in the future.

Raon was a genius dragon knew that he would be a part of the humans family and so he would protect the squishy human who would be his sibling..

The two of them are sitting across from each other as they drink tea together but you can see the little boy taking glances at Alberu.

TCF & TBOAH Zed looked at the screen with a small smile; this reminded him of Alberu before the death of Alberu's mother, Anastasia.

TBOAH & TCF Alberu also looked at the boy who seems to have inherited his nervous habit.

"Papa?" The little boys question's as he looks at the emperor he aspires to be like, who is also the father he adores.

"Yes, Isis?" Alberu asks as he looks at the little boy with a soft smile on his face.

TCF and TBOAH Alberu looked at the little boy with a smile thoughtfully, Isis; it was a beautiful name.

TBOAH & TCF Jack felt a weird feeling in his chest as he heard the the future prince's name.

Angelina the sun god felt tears of sunlight well up in her eyes as she heard the name of the very first of her saintess.

Isis, Alberu's son, looks at him before he glances at the table then looks back up.

"What's a soulmate?" Isis asks him as he holds an inquisitive look on his young face.

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