"Anything? I was thinking we could go to a knife fight, or... I don't know, a 3-hour physics lecture?" Minho pondered jokingly. 

Jisung pulled a face. Gripped Minho's hand again as the bus rattled up towards them. Dragged him and Minho on without checking the location. 

"That wouldn't be my first choice," Jisung conceded. "But I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't go anywhere you wanted me to."

"You can't talk like that and then tell me I'm not allowed to fuck you till after the date," Minho complained. 

"Oh, so you want to fuck this Jisung now, huh? Thought that was just bad, confident, stage-presence Jisung?" teased the younger. 

Minho wasn't looking at him when he answered. "I'll fuck any Jisung that lets me."

Jisung's eyes creased into a glare, and he sat up from his seat to point this glare at Minho. He lifted one hand to prod lightly at Minho's chest, accusatory even as he spoke. 

"Huh? Any Jisung? Baek Jisung? Park Jisung? Hwang Jisung?"

Minho pursed his lips and shook his head at every name. Even as he frowned back at Jisung, his eyes sparkled, glittered, shone. Jisung knew Minho enjoyed this. 

"Hwang Jisung sounds hot, but probably not, no."

"So?" Jisung prompted. "Not any Jisung?"

"No, I guess I was wrong. Not any Jisung."

Jisung sat back down in his seat, a smug smile already forming at the older admitting defeat. He wasn't expecting Minho to keep talking; Minho was no longer looking at him, but gazing out the window at the passing scenery. 

"But any version of my Han Jisung, born 14th September, who loves anime and karaoke and rapping, who is a better dancer than he thinks and the prettiest thing I've ever seen... Yeah, I'd fuck any version of that Jisung."

Minho had said it so easily, like it came naturally to him. Spoken casually to the streets and cars that passed, as though completely unaware of the way it had halted Jisung with wide eyes and jaw slackened. Jisung just watched the older for a moment before he pouted and folded his arms. 

"Hmm?" Minho queried. 

"Saying stuff like that makes me want to skip the date and go straight to the part after," muttered Jisung. 

Minho smiled expectantly; Jisung shook his head, tried to hide his own grin. 

"So, what are we doing? Knife fight? Physics lecture?" Minho changed the subject. 

They ended up doing all of the things they loved doing alone, but together. They argued about their favourite manhwas in a comic book cafe, ate cheesecake and fought about who's was tastier, sang karaoke and bickered about who would sing which part. 

They wandered Seoul; Jisung introduced Minho to his favourite parts of the city, and Minho took it all in, taking photos of Jisung when the younger wasn't looking and teasing Jisung relentlessly. 

By the time they ran out of things to do, both boys felt exhausted. Minho glanced in shock at the Health app on his phone - they'd amassed almost 30,000 steps, eaten their weight in sweets and street snacks, and talked about everything and nothing all at once. 

Jisung had chewed on his lip and the inside his cheeks anxiously for a few moments before gazing up at Minho with an unreadable expression. 

"So?" he started. "Should we... Do you want to..."

"Go back to your house, and do all of the things I've been trying not to think about doing for the past eight hours?" Minho finished. 

Jisung felt the warmth spread in his cheeks and his stomach. He met Minho's eyes, felt the warmth linger a moment longer than it should've in the space between his legs. 

"I'll text Chan and Changbin," Jisung mumbled.

"Oh? Foursome?" Minho faked a gasp, then a cry as Jisung hit him playfully on the shoulder. 

"What are you saying," laughed the younger, even as he typed a quick message on his phone advising his housemates to either clear the area or make a quick purchase of some good noise-cancelling headphones. 

Thankfully both had gotten the message, and Jisung let himself and Minho into a quiet, empty flat. They paused in the entrance even after flinging off their shoes and locking the door behind them. 

"Good first date?" Jisung asked out of nowhere, all of a sudden shy. 

"The best. Not much to compare it to, but definitely can't see it getting much better than that," answered Minho sweetly. 

"There's just one thing..." the older continued, taking a step closer to Jisung. "I suppose I was maybe a touch distracted."

Jisung cocked his head, lifted an eyebrow, tried to still the quake that was starting to fizz under his skin. Minho moved again so he was stood right in front of Jisung and bowed his head to catch Jisung's eyes. 

"Yeah? By what?" Jisung breathed. 

He flinched when he felt a cool hand snake itself up the back of his t-shirt and graze a light trail up his spine. Hummed his way through a gasp as he felt the crook of Minho's knee lift, plant itself softly between Jisung's thighs. 

"By this," Minho murmured. "By you."

And then Jisung was in the younger's grasp, legs hitched around his waist. Even as Minho carried his weight towards his bedroom, he made light work of stripping Felix's clothes from Jisung's figure, admiring with each new revelation of skin how beautiful Jisung was. 

He'd lied when he had told Jisung that the could date couldn't have been much better. It could've been, and then it was. The karaoke was good, the food was good, the scenery was good. 

But nothing was as good as this, he thought to himself, as Jisung came undone beneath him. 


got 1 more chapter planned which will probs just be sex and then a sweet ending!!!!! thank you everyone who has stuck with me for the past 24 chapters, and hopefully i will see u for the finale soon <3 <3 <3

coincidental | minsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora