
It's been a few days since Stiles had sat in his room and searched through the web and through quite a few old books till he formulated a general idea on a spell that would do what Stiles wishes for it to do to Derek.

The Ingredients to make this work were rather simple, a lot of them he surprisingly found in his local grocery store and gardening shop. There was really only two thing Stiles needed in order to make the spell more effective for an alpha level werewolf, wolfsbane and vervain. Both plants he was able to get from Deaton once he talked to the main about using them in a harmless practice spell. Deaton had given Stiles a look like he didn't believe what the younger man had said, but he ended up giving Stiles what he asked so Stiles assumes he must trust him enough not to do anything stupid.

With everything he needed to do this, Stiles makes himself busy in his kitchen. He is glad his dad is out of town for the weekend so Stiles can make use of the kitchen without being interrupted as he worked. He has never tried anything like this before so he wants to make sure he gets this spell down to a T. First thing he do is crush a small amount of the wolfsbane into a grinder, followed by crushing the vervain, using a little more of that plant to help absorb the toxic effects from the wolfsbane.

Once both have been crushed down to a fine powder, Stiles soaks them in a water bath and then pours it through a strainer in order to remove any larger pieces of the plants that Stiles may have not crushed finely enough. He he finishes he sets it aside to set for a moment and sets to work making a simple batter.

He decided to make cupcakes to use the spell ingredients in. Seemed like it would be a fitting choice given what Stiles hopes this spell will do when a certain special someone eats one. When he has the batter all finished and ready to be spooned over into a cupcake paper lined baking pan, Stiles grabs the wolfsbane and vervain mixture and adds it to the bowl of the other Ingredients he had put together, giving it a few stirs, watching the ugly brownish color the concoction started off as turning a light cyan color the more he stirred it together till it all was blended perfectly together.

"So cool." He murmurs to himself, smiling softly at having watched it change colors like that.

He then steps back over the counter where his batter was sitting, making sure he carefully pours the correct measurement of the concoction into the batter. He sets the remainder of it aside to add it to the frosting. Stirring the liquid into the batter, Stiles is again mesmerized by how the potion turns the plain looking batter to a cyan shaded color even though it is more of a muted color tone compared to what it looked like when he had stirred it together moments ago.

With that finished, Stiles takes the finished batter and carefully dips enough to fill up each cupcake lined hole. He makes sure to fill all 12 spots with the dull cyan colored batter equally and makes sure he doesn't add too little or too much. With that step done, Stiles puts the cupcake tray in the oven, taking plastic wrap, he covers up the remaining batter and sets it in the fridge, not sure what he will do with the extra batter just yet, he supposes it would depend on how this would go before he can figure that out.

While the cupcakes are baking for the next 15 minutes, Stiles moves to make the buttercream to frost them with. He starts off by mixing the normal ingredients one uses to make a standard buttercream, softened butter, vanilla extract, etc. Once everything is mixed well enough by the hand mixer, Stiles pours over the last amount of the potion into the buttercream. The buttercream turns from being white to a bright cyan shade, similar to how the potion and cupcake batter before it.

When he finishes the buttercream, he is just in time as the timer goes off for the cupcakes to be gotten out of the oven. Taking them out, Stiles smells them, tempted to eat one himself right there with how good they smell. He refrains from doing that though, setting the pan on the cool rack instead and turns around to walk to the sink where he does the dishes while he waits for the cupcakes to completely cool so he can decorate them.

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