I cleared my throat and claimed to speak.

-"My name is Cairo Sweet".

-"Woah, pretty name for a pretty-"

She couldn't finish her words, as out of nowhere a force from behind, allowed my body to bump into CC's and luckily I had slight balance, and the blondie got me, in time.

-"Oops, Sorry", a Girl spoke while her hand tugged onto a Jock's.

-"Yo Girl!! Watch where you're going!?" CC looked pissed as fuck.

CC looked down at me and barely whispered, -"You Okay, Dude?"

I nodded her a yes, and then we stepped to our class.

Despite, sharing a Disgraceful trauma with Teachers at school, this one seemed pretty nice. She didn't really give a fuck about the whole class, and that's what I really needed right now...

CC and I sat at the back, while that Girl and the Jock sat in front of us. 

-"...Pathetic Creatures...", I heard the blondie murmur out the words, and I again felt her hands over mine. 

But this time, I let go...

-"My Apologies, but I don't work well with physical touches...", I talked with a normal expression.

She looked a bit embarrassed and felt sorrow. CC slowly moved away her hands.


I didn't really care about CC's expression by the time being. I focused more on the class, but little by little I felt her presence dying beside me. She seemed off and taken aback by my actions.

I could have let her hold onto me for long,

 If only I was normal enough...

 I couldn't as I still had the Fucked up, stressing Past that haunted me in every corners of my bones and skin.

The class ended and I packed my bag to head to the next one.

-"Cairo Wait!!"

   CC ran to me and then spoke quite, nervously? 

-"Hey, I'm sorry...I didn't know that you felt uncomfortable about my hand over yours. It's just that those assholes were smirking at you and talking shit and all I wanted to do was to..."

-"Protect You..."

Protect Me!?
I mean, we barely even know each other and now she's willing to protect me?
That's weird...

𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (CAIROCC) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن