Charlie emerges from the covers.

Charlie: I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke, asshole.

Charlie wraps herself under the covers again, only for Alastor to appear lying beside her.

Alastor: Who's joking?

Charlie scared, jumps and falls off of the bed.

Alastor: You have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next.

Charlie now leaning on the bed.

Charlie: Ugh, I can't. How can I face them after failing them all so hard?

Alastor repositions himself on his stomach and begins kicking his legs in the air.

Charlie: They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain.

Charlie begins tearing up again while Y/n tries to comfort her the best he can.

Charlie: I'm just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell. And maybe worse.

Charlie stands and paces back and forth.

Charlie: At least they don't go around giving false hope.

Alastor: Well, I never expected to see such a miserable display of self-loathing from you.

Charlie: Oh, fuck you, Alastor.

Alastor adjusts himself, now laying on his side

Charlie: All you do is stand there, smiling while you watch us struggle and fail. I don't know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much.

Alastor stands up, wraps his fingers on Charlie's shoulder while chuckling.

Alastor: (Chuckles) Just because you see a smile don't think you know what's going on underneath.

Alastor lets go of Charlie.

Alastor: (Grabs Charlie's face with his hand and makes her smile) A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control.

Charlie: But I'm not.

Charlie starts walking towards her bedroom window.

Charlie: I'm the farthest thing from in control. The person I trust most has been lying to me for years. Heaven refuses to listen.

Charlie thuds both fists against the window.

Charlie: Even if they did, I can't prove the hotel works. Adam has an invincible exorcist Army pointed right at my doorstep and there's nothing I can do (Thuds the window) about any of it!

Alastor starts smiling and Y/n gets worried.

Alastor: (in a sing song tune) Y/n and I know something you don't know.

Charlie: Huh?

Alastor walks over and grabs Charlie's arms.

Alastor: Those big, scary angels are not quite as indestructible as they seem.

Alastor let's go of Charlie and walks away.

Charlie: What are you talking about?

Alastor: Just that you and your little band of misfits might stand more of a chance than you think.

Charlie: (desperately) How? I'll do anything.

Alastor: Anything? Then... let's make a deal.

Charlie: You... You want my soul?

Hazbin Hotel x Male readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن