Well fuck you

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I woke up with a huge headache. I groaned and pulled the blanket back over me. When it suddenly tugged away from me. I pulled it back. Fighting with the invisible man until I realised. Vox was asleep on the couch. He wrapped himself in the stolen blanket with a quiet snore I snickered trying to cover my mouth and shut the fuck up. "Hmm..huh...what?" He mumbled "nothing..!" I said trying to keep a poker face Vox had sat up throwing the blanket over me "whatever..." he grumbled getting comfortable on the couch. He's always so amusing when he's tired. I sat up throwing the blanket back on him. "I'm going to see angel today. Do I have anything to do?" I asked while getting dressed "mm...no" I tied my hair up. "No angel or no plans?" I asked. "The second one..." he mumbled readjusting himself on the couch. "I'll be back later." I said, walking out of the two silver doors.

I quickly ran to the elevator and walked through the front doors outside. I blinked how the fuck is he going to help me find Lucifer like this..? The thoughts ran through my mind as I pushed them aside continuing my way down the street. After many hours of traveling (or 30 minutes...) I arrived at the doorstep of a run down hotel. I raised my hand to knock on the door when it suddenly swung open angel pulling me into a big hug "holy fuckin shit I was so scared you were gonna die" I pulled away from his embrace "what? Why the hell would I do that?" He ignored my reply and ushered me towards a blond girl with a ponytail "Charlie this is the one I was talking about!" She turned around and I was met with two red cheeks a wide smile accompanied with a pair yellow and red eyes. I haven't seen many eyes like hers. I wondered. "hi I'm Charlie! It's sooo nice to meet you!"

She shook my hand up and down "are you interested in the hotel?" She asked beaming. "No?.. um. I'm sorry but I need to talk to Lucifer."  She seemed to frown a little "but don't you want to stay?" Angel spoke up "she can't she's in some tough shit right now Charlie." She sighed and smiled "maybe another time then...Anyways about my dad. Since you know angel here I guess I could maybe... Who am I kidding of course you can see him! If he's not busy of course!" She chuckled I couldn't tell if that was part of her personality or her laughing off the awkwardness either way, all I wanted was that meeting. I didn't like talking to people I didn't know.

And before I knew it here I am. Standing in front of these scary-white and red accent-fancy people doors, I took a breath and stepped in "You called?" He spoke. "Sit." I swallowed and walked to the chair in front of his desk sitting down in the velvet-y material "so." He turned in his chair finally facing you. "What brings you here!" He beamed with the same energy as...Charlie was it? Ah whatever let's just get this over with "you want to make a deal huh?" I nodded "yeah..?" I said but it almost came out like a question. fidgeting with my hands he continued, "then let's discuss it." I groaned all this paper work for what...

"So angel how did you meet?" Charlie asked curiously "we work at the same place. Just different jobs" she thought for a moment "oohhh..." there was a pause "SHES A FUCKING PORN STAR?!-" I clasped my hand over her mouth "shut it–shut the fuck up charlie-" I whisper yelled she mumbled a sorry as I took my hand off her mouth wiping it off "ew..." I stared disgusted at my hand. "And no she's not a porn star..."

A billion years later...Alas, everything was done. Except the handshake. You signed your name on the document and stared at the Ruler of hell. He held out his hand. You reaching towards his with slight hesitation. Well fuck no backsies on this shit I grasped his hand shaking in it as the room I closed my eyes feeling a huge woosh of wind against me. Until it had settled. "Pleasure." He let go of my hand and sat back in his chair.  The two white and red doors slammed behind me as I walked down the huge hallway seeing angel wipe his hand off on the walls while Charlie apologized. I wonder if Vox is up to anything yet..

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