The first and last chapter

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I'm really sorry for the titles but I really suck at naming my works. As always, I will be glad if you give me some feedback and that's probably all because long author's notes suck, especially mine. Enjoy reading.

Cody was passing the hallways of Coruscanty highschool. When he looked around, it look completely different than he remembered it from his childhood and in the same time, it all looked awfully familiar. 

He was actually far more familiar with the new, modern version of school than he would like. It wasn't the first time he got called into school. Children were children, after all. They caused troubles. Some more than the others. And he got called to school so many times he could call Luminara Unduli, the boys' class teacher, his friend.

But this time, it wasn't that. Fives and Echo both swore they didn't do anything wrong and Cody believed them that. Fives was a troublemaker but he always confessed to what he had done when he was asked. Cody really didn't have any idea why he was invited this time. But he will soon find out.

Cody knocked at the door of miss Luminara's office and opened the door when he got an invitation to come in. "Hello."

"Hello there," to Cody's surprise, it wasn't just the teacher this time. There was a man, a handsome man but still a stranger to Cody.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Cody managed to say. It wasn't the best thing to say, he realized, but why think of other things he might have said when he couldn't change it anyway.

"No, you certainly don't," the other man answered with a smile. "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, I work for an agency that ensures wellbeing of children."

Cody didn't know what to say to that. Did that mean someone though that he is not capable of taking care of children?

"Don't get offended, mr. Fett," the old teacher spoke. "It just seems the school nurse reported you for not picking up Echo when he got sick the last week."

"I arrived as soon as I could," Cody was offended. Was she suggesting he wasn't capable of taking care of his little brothers? He maybe wasn't exactly the parent of the year material but he was definitely better than Jango. And he wasn't about to let anyone say he isn't.

"Why don't you take a seat, mr. Fett?" the social worker, or whatever he was, suggested. Cody sat on the free chair and waited for either the teacher or the social worker to continue. 

It was Obi-Wan who broke the silence. "So, I understand you have two younger brothers in foster care," he looked into the papers he had with him. "And you also had another of your brothers in care for two years before he reached adulthood. Could you please tell me something about yourself and your brothers?"

"Well," Cody started. He couldn't screw this up. "Our father, Jango, was never a really good father. Since I remember, I mostly took care of myself even when I was still with him, he just paid the bills. My brother Rex,is only 4 years younger than me but since I remember, I mostly took care of him too. When I was... about 16, our father found a new girlfriend and decided to send me and Rex to an orphanage. I got out of there, graduated from school and became a military officer. I took Rex with me as soon as I could. He was 16 so it was more about giving him a place to stay and help him finish his school than actually taking care of him," Cody realized he just screwed up and paused for a bit. "Don't- don't get me wrong, I did my best to take care of him but you sure understand that a teenager needs less babysitting than a small child."

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