Once he's done, there's virtually no sign that a vampire was drinking your blood just a few minutes ago.

"Blood pressure seems fine," he remarks, removing the cuff from your arm. "Unless you're concerned about something, I'd say you're good to go."

Besides the dull pain coming from your neck every so often, and the fact that you're perhaps a bit dizzy, you think you'll be okay.

"I'm good," you nod. "It wasn't so bad."

That part is a bit of a lie. It did hurt, after all. But you're used to dealing with hardship, and if there's anything your shitty life has taught you, it's how to suck it up and endure.

The doctor nods, then pulls out an envelope from the inner pocket of his coat. "Here. Your payment for today. As we explained in the contract, all payments will be delivered on-site, immediately after you've met with a client. However, it's up to the client if they wish to see you again, which is why there is no fixed schedule for these appointments."

"There's a chance he might not want to see me again?" you frown, taking the envelope into your hands.

"It's a possibility. All vampires have their own preferences, just like how humans prefer different kinds of food. But even if this particular client chooses not to proceed with your meetings, we can try to match you with a different client. Make sure to check your phone regularly so that we can update you on the situation."

Right. That makes sense. If the client isn't satisfied with the quality of their blood, it goes without saying that they wouldn't want to keep paying for it. It's kind of like going to a restaurant and ending up with a gross, undercooked meal. Although the analogy is perhaps a bit crude.

"Take it easy for the next little while," the doctor suggests. "You seem perfectly fine, but you've still lost quite a bit of blood, so make sure to put your health first."

How cute. If only you had the luxury of doing that.

Unfortunately, it's time to go to work.


You did it. Against all odds, you actually pulled it off.

A few days have passed, and thanks to the payment from selling your blood, a few extra shifts you picked up, and cutting back on meals so that you wouldn't have to buy groceries again, somehow, you managed to scrounge up all the money Johnny asked for.

You watch, nervously, as he counts the cash you handed him, making sure to be as thorough as possible. It looks like he's wary of counterfeit bills, or perhaps he just can't believe that you actually found a way to pay him back.

Whatever the case, this time, you've been spared.

"Alright," he says. "It's all here. See? I knew you could do it. From now on, I expect this same amount every two weeks, like we agreed on."

He flashes you a shit-eating grin, then breezes past you, making sure to slap your ass right as he leaves.

You grit your teeth, mortified. Of course, you don't dare oppose him. You know all too well how things will end if you do.

At least it worked. But meeting his demands every two weeks is going to be ridiculously difficult, and the only way you'll pull it off is if Xavier calls on you again, or at the very least, another vampire decides to solicit your services.

I never thought it would come to this. To think that I'm actually hoping someone will drink my blood. Life really is a constant fucking struggle.

Nothing's ever been easy for you. But perhaps things are finally about to change for the better.

The screen of your phone lights up, and as you read the message that just appeared, your eyes widen.

Xavier wants to meet with you again.


"...disgusting," Felix shudders. He shoves the other person away, much to their bewilderment. "You're no good. I've tried so many of the humans that have signed up for this program, but all of them taste fucking nasty. This is a waste of my time. And don't expect to be paid."

He sighs and leaves the room before the foul-tasting human can even protest. Yet another disappointment. To think that he was so excited to move to the big city and see what it had to offer, only to be let down like this.

If this is how things are going to be, then he's probably better off just obtaining blood pack rations directly from the government. They're stale and disgusting, but clearly flesh blood is no different here, and he'll save a lot of money.

Right. That's what he'll do. As much as all vampires crave drinking blood directly from the source, what choice does he have, when everyone tastes like absolute shit?

He's just about to speak to one of the staff and let them know he's done paying for this program, when suddenly, a sweet scent wafts by him.

Felix immediately knows it's you. Even for a vampire, his senses have always been unnaturally sharp. Perhaps that's why he's so picky when it comes to drinking blood. His taste buds are more sophisticated, more developed, so when something isn't quite right, he can tell right away.

The same is true for his sense of smell, although it's rare for a human to smell so appealing, especially since you're rather far away.

In fact, it might be the very first time anyone has ever smelled this good to him.

Felix watches you walk down the hall, escorted by one of the doctors. You must be here to sell your blood, and the longer he stares at you, the more he finds himself rethinking his earlier decision.

A smile creeps onto his lips.

"Well," he chuckles softly, "maybe I should give it one last chance."


Character appearances:


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