Chapter 4 (M) - If You Don't Want to be Sad, then Forget

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"But I want to help you." His voice said as he pressed me until I felt heat under my jeans.

"I will not do that." I tried to say, trying to free myself.

"Stop." Vee pushed me and held me on the bed.

"I said... uh... I don't want to." I tried to refuse but he continued to rub himself on me.

"I want to do it, why don't you want to do it?" he smiled superiorly.

I liked men, but that didn't mean I could open my legs to anyone.

"You've already put me in the mood and now you say no? You make me want it even more."

I didn't answer. The beautiful lips that so many women liked were attached to my mouth. That time, I couldn't resist. I remained still, no matter how invasive his tongue swept the alcohol from my mouth into his, swirling our tongues together. I admit Vee was really good at kissing. I was sure that many people liked his kisses and I admit that I am one of them.

I felt completely defeated except for this touch.

Vee knew everything, he knew my feelings for Bar and he knew that I was getting stupidly drunk because of Bar's rejection, and because I was drunk now. The reason was that I had to give up that hopeless love.

When he's done, will he treat me like last time? If so, how will this help me feel better?

"Where am I wrong? What did I do wrong this time?" I asked what was going through my head and heart to the person in front of me. It was the same question I asked last time and he told me it was because I had bad thoughts towards Bar. But that time I didn't do anything.

"You haven't done anything wrong, I just want you." Vee said before walking over.

"Well, go do it with your wife. Why are you bothering me?" I retorted, turning dark and staring at the person above me.

"Well, my wife isn't here today."

"Yes." I moaned as he squeezed me between his legs. I tried to fight him, but Vee fought and pushed me down, pressing my legs together with his, before unzipping my pants.

"I've never sucked anyone before."


Vee climbed down and covered my hot member that was sticking out of the top of my pants. He wrapped his mouth around it and took it until it almost met the back of his throat, before sucking it slowly and rhythmically. I groaned and couldn't help but watch. Watching it made me horny.

"Ahhh..." I tried to keep it in but I couldn't, even though I didn't want him to know that I liked it. He said he had never done it to anyone, but what he was doing right now was better than most other people who had done it to me.

"Urgh... don't hold back, I want to listen to you enjoy yourself." His hands continued to rub my inner thighs and stomach.

"Ah... Uh..." I finally gave in to my needs.

"Urgh... don't push." Vee said loudly, pressing my hips down. His words made me accidentally move my hips, watching myself slide in and out of his mouth. He was really handsome.

"Uh... uh... uh.... why stop... why?" I asked as his face was now level with my eyes. It was better that he didn't ask me to moan like in the novels my friends loved to read. If he had done that, I don't know what I would have been left with.

"I want to hear you enjoy... out loud." he said before kissing me and that kiss wasn't the same as before. I couldn't even explain what kind of kiss it was, it was overwhelming.

LOVE MECHANICS | BOOK 1 | ENG TRANSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat