"Sorry, sorry. A client was asking so many questions - had me running almost thirty minutes later than I expected," Gwen gasps as she practically runs over to us.

I look down at Harry's clip that I'm still holding, and I slip it into my purse - making a mental note to give it back to him later. When I look back up, I see Gwen with her arms around Harry's neck, his hand on her lower back as he leans down to press a kiss against her lips.

"Carter said we need to check back in over there," he tilts his chin over to the desk, and we begin to make our way over there as a group.

I tuck my hands into the back pockets of my jeans as Gwen talks to the girl I had talked to previously behind the desk, and we begin to head out of the main lobby of the building.

My eyes take in everything around me the further we get into the venue, the woman even leading us outside to a walking path that ventures to a large chapel. I stop in the doorway once we walk inside, and my eyes widen.

The room is massive with high ceilings - light colored wooden beams lining it. The color of the beams matches the color of the pews lining the majority of the room, and the stage they have set up for the wedding party to stand on is quite large. Gwen's gasps fill the room as she walks around, Harry trailing behind her with his hands in his front pockets.

"Oh, Harry, I know this is the first place we've looked, but this is beautiful," she gushes, pulling her phone out as she snaps picture after picture.

I finally make my way inside and stand beside Harry as he runs a hand up and through his curls. "Yeah, 's nice, Gwen."

The place is nice, but it's huge. I don't even know if they would fill half of this chapel.

"What do you think, Carter?" I hear Gwen speaking, and I look over at her.

Why was she asking me?

To be completely honest, I don't even know why I'm really here. I know Gwen, and she's going to choose whatever she wants regardless of input from others - even Harry.

"It's beautiful," I agree, and I try to think of how to phrase what I want to say next as best as possible. "Do you think you need all of this space though? Do you think you're going to invite this many people?"

Gwen was looking around as I spoke, but as soon as I was done speaking, I saw her head snap over to look directly at me.


My mouth gapes as I hear the sharpness of her tone - my eyes widening a bit. "W-well, we don't have a big family, and neither does Harry. This is a really big chapel, Gwen. I feel like you could maybe find somewhere else that feels a little more....I don't know..intimate?"

It's a complete stare down, and I shift uncomfortably under her gaze, my eyes flicking over to Harry for a moment.

"Don't look at him," Gwen growls, and I quickly look back over to her as she walks closer to me. "Who's wedding is this?"

My bottom lip trembles as I stare at my sister, and I know she's trying to make me feel small on purpose. "Yours," I whisper in response. "But you asked for my opinion."

"I asked for your opinion about the chapel in general. I didn't ask for you to give me your opinion on whether or not we'd be able to fill it."

I nod slowly at her, forcing my tears away at all costs. "Got it. I-I'm sorry."

Gwen's eyes cut at me harder before she looks away, and she heads back over to the coordinator who's giving us the tour. I can feel that my shoulders immediately relax now that she's not so close to me, and I can see Harry frowning in my peripheral.

Goodnight and Go [H.S.]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن