Always Running Late

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Today is just like every other day, I wake up, shower, eat, and somehow I'm still running late. I'm gonna be honest I'm at the point where everyday feels the exact same. All to make $15 dollars an hour at this job that I absolutely fucking hate. The only bright spot is that every morning she's there, Rose Anne. 5'3 brown hair, brown eyes, and absolutely gorgeous. And today is the day I finally build up the courage, get some fucking balls and ask her out. If this Uber will hurry the hell up, the biggest down side of being from New York . That right along with feeling completely invisible. That's sorta why my job honestly isn't as bad as it seems sometimes. Like here we are, this lady orders her regular coffee order every morning, Lisa. "Morning Lisa, how are you today?" I say. " Oh I'm great honey, you seem extra jittery today finally gonna talk to that girl you've been crushing on?" she says. Is it that obvious do I actually make it that obvious to the point where the coffee lady notices! "Indeed I am, and there she is so if you could move along, nice seeing you though". Me and Lisa actually have a great relationship so me saying that isn't as bad it may seem.

Ew that sounds weird, friends with a lady almost double my age, boy do I pray she says yes. " Hey Noah, what's up? You weren't here yesterday morning I was little surprised to not see you" Rose says as she's approaching the counter. And it's weird because I hear her but I don't actually hsear her. Her skin is glowing, the freckles or her cheek, the way her mouth makes that little crease when she smiles after saying my name. "Noah" she repeats. "Hey sorry, my mind is just everywhere this morning. Did you know I waited 20 minutes for an Uber this morning?".

"Atleast you're here! Where were you yesterday?".

"Honestly, I just wasn't feeling well you know how it is. Guessing you want your regular?".

"Yea ofcourse, but make it 3 pumps today. Gotta find some way of staying up in this 4 hour psych lecture." She laughs.

That 5 seconds smile could last me forever. And I know that if I don't ask now I'll get home and make up a million reasons to why I couldn't ask her. So here it is.

"Would you be interested in getting food later, once I'm out of these nasty overalls. 100% my treat." I say.

" Hmmm... only if you let me pick desert." she smiles.

"Does 6 work? Here take my number."

"6 is perfect."


"Got it. Well I have to get going, I guess I'll see you at 6."

The rest of my shift only seemed to fly after that interaction. I don't know if it's just my adrenaline pumping or the fact that all I've been picture is that smile of hers. Now that I'm finally home I can get out of these absolutely disgusting clothes, shower, and nap. I have about 2 hours until our date which is perfect in my opinion.

" Hey it's Noah, how does pizza sound"
" Pizza sounds great! Pineapple?"

Who in the hell pineapples on their pizza! Red flag number one, I honestly don't know what to say back to that wait I got it-

"Only if you're down to watch SpongeBob after lol"
"Maybe haha, if you're lucky" she replies.

That worked? That actually fucking worked! Okay well I got about an hr and a half to nap real quick.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. What time is it? 5:53, and the pizza place is 10 minutes away no way will a Uber get here in time. Let's see, 2 bucks a mile for the scooters outside my building. Scooter to my first date, let's not judge. This definitely isn't ideal I'm sweating, I feel gross, and I'm always running late.

"2 minutes away. traffic is horrible."

   I know lying isn't the greatest way to start of a relationship but what am I supposed to say, "Hey I suck at timing so I'm riding to you on a scooter!" Nah I'll pass. Parking this stupid scooter around the corner and walking from there. I look terrible and feel like i just played 40 minutes of a game 7. Oh my, there she is. Every time I see her it feels like I'm seeing her for the first time again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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