Part 2: Carve Your Niche

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Summary: Chino wants to look pretty for his boyfriend.


Chino examined the jean shorts in his lap. They were a pair he commonly wore before he started transitioning. He supposed like everything else, time was prone to change.
Looking back up at his reflection in the mirror, Chino bit his lip unsurely. Staring back at him was 2 years’ worth of transitioning. He had the lack of breasts to prove it, having just had top surgery a few months ago. It almost felt surreal to see that after so long, he finally could look in the mirror and truly see a man. Of course, it made times like the present difficult, where he wanted to still be pretty. But whenever he was feeling self-conscious, Chino always thought of his boyfriend, Chi. He remembered a particular time between them when Chi had been stoned, as he often was.
“You-” Chi bit his lip to keep from laughing, but it was to no avail. Chino hadn’t even been sure what was so funny. So, he asked.
“What is it?” Chino asked, having felt a little worried. He wanted to make sure Chi wasn’t laughing at him. “What I’d do?”
After a few seconds, Chi calmed down, still holding his gut to keep from bursting out in laughter again. Then, he said something that Chino would always remember with fondness.
“Nothing, just thinking about how fucking hot you are.”
Chino had laughed at his boyfriend’s response. “Seriously, how high are you?”
Remembering the incident always made Chino smile. That was when he decided that he was going to try on the shorts.
Chino felt a little awkward as he slipped into the garment. His legs had been left unshaven ever since he was 15 years old, and it showed them off well. He ran a hand up his thigh, tugging at the denim, which had ripped a little from wear and tear. Then, Chino’s eyes turned to his closet. Specifically, the back of the closet, where an old white blouse was hanging. It had been Chino’s favorite shirt before he transitioned, being a slightly see-through, long sleeve with a bit of silver sequinning on the front. Hanging beside it was a cropped black camisole top. Seeing the two shirts gave Chino an idea. He was going to dress up for his boyfriend.
Digging in his closet until he got to the desired garments, Chino pulled them out and carefully took them off the hangers. He didn’t want to stretch the fabric, or worse, rip it. Realistically, Chino knew that his old clothes weren’t any more ‘fragile’, so to speak, but he couldn’t justify not giving utmost attention to taking care of them well. He looked in the mirror at his bare chest, his gaze lingering extra-long on his top surgery scars before sliding the camisole over his head. Adjusting the spaghetti straps, Chino smiled at himself a little awkwardly. It was a look he had not sported for years on end at that point, but he could work with it.
Next, Chino pulled the blouse over his head. He shimmied into the sleeves, pulling the silky fabric over his stomach until he was fully fitted into the garment. Nodding his head, he took a moment to continue eyeing himself in the mirror before smiling again, this time more confidently. Brushing his hair out of his face, he picked up a comb off his dresser and began to run it down his locks. His hair was down right to his shoulders, sleek and black. Just how he liked it.
The last thing Chino did was grab a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and his keys. He admittedly had to search his room a little for them. Chino never really did pride himself on organization skills. When he had finally heard the jingle of keys in one of his hoodies, he grabbed them out and made his way to the door. Stepping outside and walking out to his car, he tried not to feel too nervous. No one was really looking at him, which helped considerably. Even though Chino felt good about his appearance that day, he still couldn’t help but be a little jittery. It was the first time in about two years that he had worn any feminine clothing at all.
Chi had lived near on the other side of town, which meant it took about 15 minutes to get to his house. Chino hummed along to songs on the radio, even singing out loud when Enjoy the Silence came on.
Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm.” Chino grinned, bumping his head along to the sound of Alan Wilder’s synth sounds as he pulled into Chi’s driveway. He’d finish the song and then get out of the car.
Enjoy the Silence came to an end, and Chino got out and walked up to Chi’s porch. He knocked on the door, waiting for just a few seconds before impatiently ringing the doorbell.
Chino felt his nerves rushing as he saw Chi come into view from behind the door. He peered through the glass, trying to keep from shaking. He really hoped Chi liked how he looked. When Chi opened the door, Chino gave an apprehensive grin.
“Hello!” he said, waving awkwardly. Chi just stared at him, eyes wide like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Fuck, Chino…” Chi trailed off before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. When he pulled away, Chino noticed his face reddening up. “Come on in.”
Chino didn’t waste time cutting to the chase. He waited behind Chi as he closed the door, smiling and feeling nervous as ever.
“D’you like it?” he asked, chewing on his lip. They were a little chapped, as he had forgotten to pick up a tube of chapstick when he was at the pharmacy getting his testosterone and birth control pills the week before.
“I- can I just, like, look at you for a minute?” Chi asked, seeming almost in awe of the sight of Chino before him. Chino complied, stepping out into the light so Chi could see him better. Chi walked around him, glossing his eyes up and down his frame. Suddenly, Chino felt the urge to sneeze.
“Hold on-” Chino cut himself off, bracing himself for the sneeze. Then, he did it. To his horror, he felt blood flow out of him. “Oh my God…” He was on his period.
“What is it, Chino? Is everything okay?” No. It wasn’t. Chino had never been on his period without a spare tampon on hand when he had been over at Chi’s house. He started to panic.
“I’ve got to go, Chi. I’m sorry.” Chino’s speech was rushed and slightly slurred. He almost felt nauseous from the sudden hit of dysphoria. His time of the month had surely picked the worst time to come. He felt so embarrassed, looking down in grief at his choice of outfit.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry if I did something-”
“No!” Chino gave an awkward laugh as he felt tears forming in his eyes. “Haha, fuck,” he sniffled, immediately trying to hide his face. He didn’t want Chi to see him crying, but he felt so exposed that he couldn’t stop it.
All Chino wanted to do was dress up nice for his boyfriend. He had never expected his period to come in and ruin everything. Hot tears were now streaming down his cheeks, but he couldn’t control them. He just wanted to go home and scream into his pillow.
“Chino, please tell me what’s wrong. I’m not gonna freak out or anything, it’s okay. Here, we can sit on the couch and talk about it-”
“I’m on my period.” Chino’s voice was barely above a whisper at that point. He practically shrunk as he said it. Chi just looked at him tenderly, trying his best to show empathy.
“It’s okay, my sister usually leaves a spare pack of tampons here for when she comes to visit. They’re in the bathroom, if you want to use one. I think she usually stores pads too, if you’d prefer those instead.”
Chino pulled his sleeve up and wiped his nose with his arm, careful not to get snot on the blouse. He nodded, looking over towards where the bathroom was. Chi thankfully always kept an extremely tidy living space (he was admittedly much better about it than Chino was).
“Thanks, I’ll be back in a minute,” Chino said, hurrying off towards the bathroom. He would have to make a mental note to thank Mae the next time he saw her around.
As he pushed a tampon into himself, Chino tried not to focus too much on his body. Sometimes when he was feeling dysphoric, disassociating from himself helped. He tried to picture himself floating in space as he shimmied his shorts back up to his waist. Looking in the mirror, he could see that his skin had puffed up under his eyes from crying. He felt a little silly for getting so upset, but was grateful that Chi had been so understanding.
“Thanks, Chi,” Chino said meekly as he stepped out of the bathroom. He rubbed his foot against his shin a little nervously before walking out the whole way.
“No pasa nada, baby” Chi said, smiling in his best attempt to comfort Chino. Chino couldn’t help but smile back.  
“You didn’t even butcher it that time,” Chino joked, chuckling a bit. Chi had picked up a few phrases from hearing Chino talk in Spanish to his family over the phone. Of course, he had a habit of fucking up most of his interpretations, which had given Chino some good laughs from hearing him attempt and fail to speak the language.
“I’ve been trying to improve, y’know? Learning about your culture is very important to me,” Chi said, dropping his hands in front of his lap proudly.
“Wanna disrespect my culture and get some Taco Bell?” Chino asked, smirking a bit. Chi went to grab his keys off the table.
“Ten fucking steps ahead of you, Moreno. Sounds good, let’s go.”
They had smoked cigarettes in the car on the way there. Chino ate 4 of their 12 tacos on the way back, much to Chi’s amusement.
“How many do you want?” Chino asked, his eyes shifting nervously to the bag as they pulled into Chi’s driveway. Chi glanced over at him, giving a good-humored quirk of his lip.
“Just save me like 3 of them and we’ll have no problems,” he said, nudging Chino’s shoulder. Chino glanced down, blushing when he saw he got a stain on the front of his blouse.
“Oh shit, I gotta wash this now. Hope it comes out,” he muttered, feeling tempted to roll his eyes at his messiness.
“I’ve got a load of laundry I was about to throw in at the house. I’ll toss it in and wash it for you, if you want,” Chi offered. Chino smiled at his boyfriend’s kindness.
“Thanks. I’ve got a shirt on under this, so I’ll just go home in it.”
“You weren’t gonna leave right away, were you?” Chi asked, looking saddened by the thought. Chino found it endearing how he was always a little clingy.
“No, I was gonna stay. Maybe I can watch you play bass for a little while?” Chino suggested. Chi’s eyes lit up at the idea.
“Yeah, sure. Try not to get too worked up,” he winked at him (only somewhat successfully), and that time, Chino did roll his eyes.
After eating, Chino and Chi went up to Chi’s room so Chi could “serenade Chino with his spectacular bass skills” (his words, not Chino’s). Chino watched as Chi plugged the amp in and ran his hand along the neck of the bass. He suddenly remembered that he needed to put his blouse in the wash.
“Hey Chi, I’ll be right back, gotta go put my shirt in the laundry machine,” Chino said, getting up off the bed and heading over to the door.
“I’ll be here when you come back,” Chi told him, giving a small wave. Chino nodded and exited the room, going down the hall and down the stairs. When he got into the laundry room, he pulled his blouse over his head, blushing when he realized he felt a little vulnerable. Somehow, the black camisole only made him feel even more exposed than just being topless. He didn’t feel like a girl, but he did surely feel feminine. It was quite strange to him how happy it made him. He had never experienced gender euphoria from expressing femininity before, but he supposed there was a first time for everything. Throwing his shirt in the laundry machine, Chino shut the lid before walking out and heading back up the stairs.
As he got closer to the door, it occurred to Chino that Chi would get an eyeful of his new shoulder-bearing look when he came through the door. It made him feel anxious, but also giddy. He wondered what Chi would say.
When he got through the door, Chi looked up, his strumming hand coming to a halt. And to Chino’s surprise, he didn’t say anything.
“You good?” Chino asked, tucking his hair back behind his ear. He pursed his lips, waiting for a response.
Chi, meanwhile, stared at him like he was crazy. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.
“Holy fuck, Chino.”
Chino stared awkwardly at his boyfriend, not exactly sure what to say next. “I kinda wanted to dress up for you today. Sorry if it seems a little weird.”
“I- you think I don’t like it?” Chi took a pause before saying, “Oh God, you’re so fucking wrong right now, I just- come in and close the door. I wanna look at you, if you don’t mind. Since you were thinking of me anyways.” He smiled at him with a look in his eyes that could only be described as mischievous. Chino stepped closer to the bed and closed the door behind him. Chi carefully set his bass down on the floor, scooting closer to the edge as Chino approached him.
“You really like it?” Chino asked, his voice coming out weaker than he wanted it to.
“Are you kidding me? I love it, Chino, fucking Christ. Were you actually worried I didn’t?” Chi asked, looking concerned. “I’m sorry if I gave you that impression, fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
“No, no,” Chino said, blushing a bit at the compliment. Sometimes it still felt surreal that he had someone like Chi, who really did appreciate him. “I just wanted to make sure. I was hoping you would.”
“Do you mind if I touch you?” Chi instinctively reached a hand out before pulling it back away. Chino grabbed it, splaying Chi’s fingers out in his palm and rubbing them.
“I’d be insulted if you didn’t,” he said, smiling a little deviously as Chi reached back out and ran a hand down his side. Touching his stomach and pressing in a little bit, Chi’s hand lowered to Chino’s hip. He flattened it to Chino’s body, trailing down his thigh before grinning wildly and grabbing a handful of his ass. The action made Chino gasp; he could feel his face heating up from how much he enjoyed feeling Chi touch him.
“Fuck, don’t do that,” Chino said. Chi looked apologetic as he pulled his hand away.
“Sorry,” he said, eyeing him sheepishly. Chino quickly shot his hand back out and grabbed Chi’s again.
“I didn’t mean it, I liked it,” Chino admitted, his breathing slightly fluttery. Looking cautiously at him, Chi brushed his fingers along Chino’s leg before grabbing his ass again. Contently viewing him for a moment longer, Chi then looked up into his eyes.
“Liked this?” Chi asked teasingly, squeezing the skin for a third time. As Chino shifted on his feet, he gave an experimental slap.
“Yeah.” Chino’s eyes had closed when he felt Chi’s hand land on his ass. He could feel a warming sensation in his belly as he opened them up again. He was a little turned on.
“God, Chino.” Chi scooted off the bed and got down on his knees. Reaching a hand up Chino’s shorts, he licked his lips and stared up at Chino like he was the most beautiful thing in the word. “You’re fucking amazing, you know that?”
“You tell me that a lot,” Chino responded, faintly smiling at his boyfriend as he stared back.
“’Cause it’s true. You’re just-” Chi’s voice cracked. “So perfect. Fuck, I love you so much.”
Chino’s eyes widened at the words. What had Chi just said?
“You love me?” Chino’s voice was small. He looked down at Chi, waiting for answer. Chi’s eyes widened as well, and Chino could tell that what he had said just clicked in his own head.
“Yeah,” he said, sounding confident in himself. “I do.”
“I…” Chino didn’t know why he was hesitating. He knew what he wanted to say. “I love you too. Like, really love you man.”
Chi laughed, throwing his head back before burying his face in Chino’s thighs. It was a joyous sound, and Chino couldn’t have asked to hear anything better. Well, besides what Chi had just told him.
“Ah, Chino,” Chi sighed, breathing into Chino’s skin. “I’m so lucky to have you.” The words made Chino smile.
“No, I’m lucky to have you. You make me feel really good and I like that.”
Chi’s eyes glazed over with a look that Chino knew all too well. Suddenly, it hit Chino that Chi was in a very intimate position with him.
“Are you thinking about it too?” Chi’s gaze was heavy, and Chino would be lying if he said he wasn’t thinking about what it would be like for Chi to pull his shorts down and eat him out right there where he was standing.
“I’m thinking about it too,” Chino said, his voice particularly breathy. He let out an involuntary gasp as Chi dug his fingers into the belt loops of his shorts. Then, Chi tugged them down to Chino’s knees, exposing his bare thighs. Watching as Chi’s gaze darkened, Chino exhaled a breath of air that he hadn’t even been aware he was holding.
Chino let out a quiet “fuck” as Chi pressed a kiss below his navel. He pulled at the waistband of Chino’s boxer-briefs, inching the fabric further and further down his hips.
“You want me to take ‘em off?” Chi asked, already damn well knowing what Chino’s answer would be. Chino gulped down the lump in his throat, nodding his head.
“Yeah,” he breathed. Chi took his cue and slowly peeled his underwear down his thighs until they were to his knees. Chino’s stomach was bubbling with excitement as his boyfriend smoothed his hands along his hipbone. After taking a few more seconds to admire him, Chi began to trail a wet line of kisses down Chino’s stomach, stopping when he got to his groin. Taking a deep breath in, Chi flicked his tongue out and pressed it to the hood of Chino’s clit. Chino’s voice was soft, arguably even tender as he moaned out a soft “Chi.”
“You want it?” Chi asked, his breath tickling Chino’s skin in all the right places. “Want me to eat you out, right? Make you come so fucking hard you see spots- fuck.” Chino had grabbed ahold of Chi’s hair, tugging him so that their eyes met.
“Do it,” he said, voice a little clearer. Chino needed Chi’s mouth on him or else he was going to cry for the second time that day. That was when he remembered he had started his cycle for the month.
Goddammit.” Chino let go of Chi’s hair, feeling utterly frustrated. Chi looked confused.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I’ve got a tampon in, I can’t have sex,” Chino replied disappointedly. That was when he saw Chi’s eyes flicker deviously.
“Take it out, then,” Chi said, sounding sure as ever. On the other hand, Chino wasn’t entirely convinced it was a good idea to keep going.
“Chi, I’m gonna get blood all over you. Are you sure?” he asked, not seeming to sway Chi away from the idea at all.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Let me go get us a towel from the bathroom,” Chi responded, getting up off his knees and giving Chino a quick peck on the cheek before walking out of the room to retrieve towel. A minute later, he was back, laying the towel out on the bed and extending his arm to show off his handiwork. After that, he lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor.
Chino stepped out of his shorts and underwear and sat himself on the bed, laying down and spreading his legs. Chi crawled up between them and traced a finger down his exposed folds. Then, he grabbed the tampon string, giving it a light tug.
“I’m gonna keep this in you while I eat you out. I wanna try something,” Chi said, wetting his lips with his tongue before closing his lips around Chino’s clit. He applied gentle suction, just long enough to make Chino squirm and whine deep in his throat.
Chi caressed his tongue up and down Chino’s folds, quickening his speed as he felt Chino clench a hand in his hair. Chino pulled him in as far as he could, not wanting to go a single second without Chi’s mouth on him. He tossed his head back and moaned loudly as Chi licked right over his clit, pushing the hood back with his tongue for better access.
Chi, fucking Christ.” Chino’s panting breaths got heavier as Chi returned to sucking him, spreading his legs as wide as he could manage without discomfort. He needed all of Chi he could get, the hormones from his cycle only serving to deepen his greed for him.
“You taste so fucking good,” said Chi as he pulled away for a quick breath of air. “So wet for me.” His voice dripped with lust as he tugged on Chino’s tampon string again, this time pulling it out almost all the way. Then, his mouth was back on Chino’s cunt, and he was pushing it back into him.
Oh God, Chi.” Chino’s eyes widened, but just as quickly were rolling back in his head as Chi continued to lap and suck at him with everything he had, fucking him with the tampon as he did so. He could feel the wetness between his thighs slicking up his skin and the towel below him, Chi’s tongue only serving to make him even more of a moaning mess.
When Chi pulled away for the second time, his fervent gaze made him look practically drunk on lust. Chino could only imagine what he looked like. Chi always left him a wreck from good oral.
“I’m not done yet, I still wanna taste you some more. Just wanted to look into your pretty eyes for a moment.” Chi grinned devilishly at him before licking a stripe of the center of Chino’s labia and going back in. Chino lazily gripped his hair, letting out sweet sobs as his boyfriend continued to pleasure him. Soon, the sensation became too much, and he could feel his belly coiling. Chi, sensing he was close, pursed his lips around his clit and started to suck with more pressure. It sent Chino over the edge, making him grind his hips up into Chi and scream as he came so hard his vision nearly blacked out. Finally, Chi slipped the tampon out, giving his cunt a final wet kiss before pulling back.
Chi got up out of bed just long enough to toss the tampon in the trash before returning to Chino, crawling up and kissing him with hunger. He pulled Chino’s camisole up, exposing his bare chest.
“Look at how fucking gorgeous you are, Chino,” he said, tracing Chino’s top surgery scars with his fingertips. “So perfect, I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Chino replied, smiling as Chi bent down and kissed the area between his pecs. He watched as Chi shuffled out of his trousers and underwear.
“I saw you on the porch today and thought you looked so good,” Chi mused as he threw his discarded garments over by where his shirt was laying on the floor. “Knew I had to have you, oh my God. Just so fucking good for me, I love it.” It was apparent to Chino that Chi was rambling at that point, but he honestly found it endearing. He always found great satisfaction in how Chi would express himself to the point of talking in circles.
As Chi stroked his cock, Chino asked, “Really?” It was a genuine question. He had no idea Chi had been thinking about bedding him the whole time he had been over.
“Fuck yeah. Saw you in your blouse and cute little shorts and couldn’t stop thinking about having you under me. Every time you talked to me, I just kept thinking about how you’d sound with my cock inside you.”
“Guess you’ll find out then, won’t you?” Chino asked, smiling a bit. Chi gave a full-on grin in response.
“Guess I will. Keep those pretty legs spread, Moreno. Gonna fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” he said, lining himself up to Chino’s cunt. He slid himself along Chino’s folds, making the younger man’s breathing hitch.
C’mon Chi, put it in me,” Chino whined, hooking his leg around and rubbing the small of Chi’s back to edge him closer. He had been a little self-conscious about the idea of his menstrual blood getting everywhere, but right then he didn’t give a damn. He needed to feel Chi inside of him as soon as possible.
“Sorry.” Chi grinned sheepishly. “It’s fun to tease you. You get so wet.” His tone was teasing, but all Chino could think about was being filled up. In a moment of desperation, he reached down and grabbed Chi’s cock, inserting it into himself. Chi looked a little surprised, but also thrilled at the sudden action.
“There you go,” Chino said, wiggling his hips down to sink Chi deeper inside himself. “Fuck, that feels good. Need you to move though.”
“Since you seem so sure,” Chi replied, bending down to kiss him. “You know I love a man who knows what he wants,” he added, drawing his hips back. Chino made a low noise in the back of his throat as he felt himself nearly empty of Chi, only for Chi to push back into him. It was a soft, gentle thrust, but it hit his g-spot just right.
Chi built up a slow pace, pumping steadily into Chino’s heat. Chino was moaning like a cheap whore, his wetness dripping down the corners of his thighs along with God knows how much blood at that point. The thought made him clench, and he heard Chi groan into his ear.
“Still so fucking tight for me even after you already came,” Chi breathed, harsh and ragged. “Gonna make you come again.”
Please, Chi,” Chino moaned, digging his nails into Chi’s back. His legs were spread impossibly wide for him after hearing that; he needed him to make him come again.
“Just keep your legs open like that, good boy,” Chi praised, propping himself up on his knees so he could see Chino’s body. He rested his hands on the fat of Chino’s hips and started to move faster. Chino was saying words to him, but he’d be damned if either one of them could actually understand what they were. The increasing sensitivity between his legs with each pump was almost too much, and Chino was starting to see spots in his vision. He could feel his stomach tightening again, and knew he it wasn’t going to be long until his second climax hit.
Uhhh… Chi…” Chino’s voice was broken, and all he could think about was how good he felt. He cried out as Chi continued to fuck him, the sound of their hips slapping together reverbing throughout the room. Then, Chino thought about Chi spilling into him, and before he knew it, he was thrashing in Chi's grip, clenching tight around his cock and hearing himself screaming once more as his orgasm was ripped from his body. His vision seared with light for a few seconds even as his eyes were closed, though Chino was in too much bliss to panic. Once he could see again, he looked up at Chi’s face, watching how he scrunched it and knowing he was close.
Uh, Chino—” Chi bit his lip, rolling his hips in for a few more thrusts before gasping and releasing deep inside of Chino's heat. Chino groaned as he felt Chi dig his nails into his hips, lolling his head to the side and reaching out to grab his hand. Chi grasped him in return, squeezing tightly to show his affections.
“Mmm,” Chino hummed, smiling up at him. Catching his breath, Chi smiled back. He looked between Chino’s legs at the mess they had created.
“Shower? I’ll soap you up real nice, wash all the blood off us,” Chi offered, looking hopeful that Chino wouldn’t be too tired. Chino looked out the window and saw it was dark. Nodding his head, he sat up and let go of Chi’s hand.
“Sounds good to me,” he said, looking out towards the door. “I hope you have some spare towels.”
They laughed at the quip, Chi eyeing the towel below them, which now had a large blood stain on it. Chi placed his hand on Chino’s shoulder and asked, “Give me a kiss? I wanna see if your breath still tastes like tacos.”
Chino sighed and connected the distance between them, pressing their lips together. It was only partly because he wanted to shut Chi up. Chi pressed him back on the bed, deepening the kiss. They ended up not making it to the shower until half an hour later, so caught up in the taste of each other that nothing could break them apart. It was the bliss that only came from being head over heels in love, and Chino didn’t think it could get any better than that.

Transmasculine Chino Moreno {Chino Moreno X Chi Cheng}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang