Chapter 6: A Strange Mark

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In the previous chapter: Following the announcement of her sister Fali, Fuli is put in a very difficult situation. Trying to reason with her father, Fuli is confined to her room with a scar on her left eye. She meets Kuelimika and Kuelimika tells her that she will not be able to get away with it unless she leaves Kazi Wazi. She eventually leaves, leaving her family and with, for the first time, the use of Kuelimika's power that allows her to bypass the blockades made by Ushauri's troops and go to the Land of Lions, thus sowing the troops that were chasing her.

??? : Don't worry, she'll be fine

??? : Are you sure about yourself, Rafiki? When we were informed that she was found in this condition, we were very concerned.

Rafiki: I know and normally she should wake up soon

Fuli: Mmh. . .

Rafiki: Oula gently, my big one.

Fuli: Where am I. . .

??? : In the baobab of Rafiki

??? : You gave us one of his pressure shots, you can't imagine Kion's state when he learned that you were found unconscious on the floor

Kion: You don't have to wiggle the knife in the wound, Bunga.

Fuli: Friends, is that you?!

Bunga: Obviously, you wanted it to be someone else?

Fuli: You're not wrong

??? : How are you feeling, Fuli?

Fuli: I'm fine, Beshtee

??? : It's reassuring

Fuli: I'm not making you say it, Ono. By the way, how long have I been unconscious?

Beshtee: It will be 5 days

Bunga: What happened to you in the middle of the night, unconscious next to Ziwa Pundamilia?

Ono: And what's more, with that scar? You didn't have it last time.

Fuli: I don't really want to talk about it.

*Fuli remembers what happened five days ago when she escaped*

Kion: We're not forcing you, we're your friends and we want you to be okay

Fuli: Thank you Kion, I'll tell you what happened

*Fuli tells everything that happened, from the revelation by Fali to the awakening of Kuelimika's power*

Bunga: Did you manage to use Kuelimika's power? That's funny, because Kion managed to use the Ancestors Roar recently.

Fuli: Really? That's great.

Kion: Yes, so I have Kuungua's blood.

Bunga: I bet I have Maji's blood

Fuli: I don't know, I think you have pig's blood.

Ono: Old habits have a hard life, don't they?

Fuli: Yes, you're not wrong

Beshtee: By the way, what's that mark on your left foot, Fuli?

Rafiki: It's Kuelimika's brand

Fuli: The brand of Kuelimika?

Rafiki: Yes, it is a mark that appears on the holder of one of the 5 powers of the legend

Kion: Like the Lion King's Guard?

Rafiki: Exactly Kion! Besides, didn't you have something to do?

Bunga: Oh yeah, we were going to forget, Fuli how would you like to join the Lion King's Guard with us?

Fuli: Well, as long as I'm with my friends, I'm fine, but what does it consist of?

Kion: Protecting the Cycle of Life

Fuli: If it allows me to protect its land and its inhabitants from my father and other threats, then I'm up for it.

Bunga and Beshtee : Too cool !!

*Kion affixes the Lion King's Guard mark to Fuli. Kuelimika's brand reacts at once and merges with the brand affixed by Kion*

Ono: Your brand has merged with that of the Guard?!

Bunga: It's bung hallucinating!! You're really full of surprises, Fuli

Fuli: I admit it's surprising, I didn't even know it was possible

Rafiki: Do you mind if I take a closer look?Fuli: Of course, you can watch*Rafiki looks at the brand with a suspicious look that scares Fuli*Fuli: So ???Rafiki: It's perfectly normal that the two brands could have merged togetherBunga: Cool then !...

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Rafiki: Do you mind if I take a closer look?

Fuli: Of course, you can watch

*Rafiki looks at the brand with a suspicious look that scares Fuli*

Fuli: So ???

Rafiki: It's perfectly normal that the two brands could have merged together

Bunga: Cool then !!!

Ono: I wouldn't be so sure, Bunga. This "event" certainly wasn't meant to happen.

Bunga: So why did it happen?

Kion: It's just a guess, but I think it's because of Kuelimika's blood circulating in Fuli.

Ono: It's a plausible theory. She can't be ruled out.

Fuli: So all this would be related to the legend?

Rafiki: It's probably a connection, I'm sure of it.

Beshtee: How can you be sure, Rafiki?

Rafiki: Simply because Fuli has slight traces that were not there when she was little, or even recently, and the fact that she was able to speak with Kuelimika only confirms my thoughts.

Fuli: Traces??

Rafiki: Yes, the brand is not the only proof, there is also the pigmentation of your eyes that has changed too and I'm not even talking about the light blue hairs on you

Bunga : It's true that your eyes are different, they're emerald green with blue on the edge of. . . of. . . what's it called again?

Ono: The iris, Bunga, I already told you

Bunga: Thank you Ono, I couldn't remember

Ono: There's no need.

Beshtee : Pua, you are really full of surprises Fuli

Kion: Beshtee is right. You're even more special than when we were kids.

Bunga: Oh, there's love in the air

Kion (slightly red): What are you talking about Bunga?! I'm not in love

Bunga: Yes of course

Fuli: Hmmm, hmmm

Bunga: Oops, sorry Fuli

Fuli: It's okay, but I just have a problem.

Ono: Which one?

Fuli: I don't really know where to go since I have my home, well, my old home

Kion: I can talk to my parents, I'm sure they'd love you to come.

Rafiki: That's a great idea, Kion! I already told your parents.

Kion: Did you expect me to say that?

Rafiki: No, it was your grandfather Mufasa who advised me

Fuli: It makes more sense now

Rafiki: Come on, hurry up, there are people waiting

Kion: You're right Rafiki, let's go

Fuli: Have a good day, Rafiki

Rafiki: Same for you, Guardian of the Lion King

Fuli: I'll have to get used to this new title

Bunga: Don't worry, we'll get used to it quickly

To be continued. . .

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