01. | children of mirror

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( warning: this story will discuss heavy topics like death and gore, the usual stuff basically, so have lots of fun and please enjoy it, my dear dudes and dudettes. )


It troubles you sometimes when people say everything works out, that everything will fall magically into place, that all will be fine, and none of us needs to worry because everyone will eventually find their purpose in life.

You have found no such purpose. And that scares you.

It scares you as time mercilessly moves on, marching forward without any regard, indifferent to our struggles and desires.

It scares you that so many people die, alone, every day and no one will bat an eye.

It scares you because the world is a harsh and terrifying place, and you are but one of the powerless creatures amidst the vastness of humanity that can do nothing but watch.

You feel trapped, a mist covering your thoughts into nothing but a chalky haze.

Somewhere, deep inside the unconscious of your mind, you wonder if one day, you too can find a purpose. If you too can find meaning before your time in this world inevitably runs out.

Because everyone and everything that lives will always share one common fate.

Because death links all of us together. Because death smiles at us all, and all we can do is smile back.

Your first meeting with Toji was not much of an eventful one.

It was a cold evening in the winter of January, and in your desperate attempt to fend off the biting cold as you walked your way home, you visited the nearest convenience store in hopes of purchasing a hot pack to thaw your nearly-frozen fingers.

Like you said, uneventful.

As you waited in line to pay, a string of irritated murmurs and curses could be heard from the people behind you as you silently watched the snow fall outside the glass doors. They were annoyed, glares fully directed towards the man standing in front of you who was clearly taking his sweet time.

Peering your head behind the man's wide shoulders, you realized why exactly that was. He seemed to be a couple of yen short. Your gaze flickered to the side, taking in the small array of everyday items the man intended to purchase—a toothbrush, some heat packs, two bottles of water, and a couple of packets of instant ramen.

Without a second thought, you stepped forward.

"Want me to pay the rest for you?" The words slipped from your lips softly before you glanced up at him, and in that moment, you truly saw the man's features for the first time.

Eyes of a warm, dark green met yours, framed by straight black hair that reached to his ears. A scar marred the corner of his right lip, adding a rugged charm to his otherwise smooth features.

Somehow, an urge to touch it welled up within you, though you resisted the impulse as quickly as it appeared.

Faced with such a frank question, the muscular man in the too-tight black shirt all but blinked at you.

You blinked back at him before turning your gaze to the lady behind the register with a small smile on your lips. "Here, this should cover the rest of his items, right?" you asked, taking out the exact amount of money needed.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" the gruff voice of the handsome man beside you asked, regarding you with his narrowed eyes. "Of course not." You shook your head, and a faint furrow formed between his brows.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 → fushiguro toji x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat