[❤️] ~ six; sorry excuse

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I couldn't help to see him red when he say my chest. He'll be so much more red when he sees my lower half.

I was really pissed when sapphire pushed me off I was gonna take over, "their coming soon mom"

"She said leave twice sapnap why didn't you leave" she hissed.

"Because Dream looked like he had a fever I wanted to make sure my bestfriend was okay" I sigh, I know where this was going.

"Thats sensible you care alot about youre friends, witch is a good qouilty" Dad said smiling, "what a good muffin"

I let out a small luagh, "you really like muffins don't you dad."

He chuckled to with a nod as sapphire came dragging Dream out.

I just stabbed my fork down in the mash potatoes, jealously bubbling as she giggled kissing his cheek as she sat him down right by her.

I growled softly as I just glared at my food.

"What's wrong with him" sapphire  giggled looking at me.


"I think big brothers jealous" Jackson chuckled, "it's not like he could pull."

I went slient my glaze shifted to him, "one more word and you'll have knife through  you're bicep"

"Sapnap we do not threaten to stab you're siblings" step dad growls, "you're mood did shift when sapphire dragged Dream out tho.."

"Not like it actully matters, but Jackson you can't pull for shit either" I snapped.

Jackson went quiet and I glared at sapphire, "to answer you indpending question sapphire, my problem  lies with you and only you"

"The twins are in rively" papa says, "Sapnap calm down"
(Step dad is mom's new man, papa is skeppy, dad is bad)

"Sappy hey its alright" Dream says softly rubbing a hand up my right up, "calm down for me"

I just look at him, my glaze seems to just go calmer I just look back at my plate acting like nothing happend before going back to eatting.
Dinner ends and I stood up and went to go to my room.

"Sapnap halo, you appoize to you're sister for calling her a problem" mother hissed.

"Im sorry you're a sorry excuse for a sister" I snap and storm to my room.

She started to go after Dream bassicly the day I was gonna admint and then froced mom to tell me I couldn't have Dream.

I just ploped on my bed as Dream came after me.

"Sap.." he said softly sitting on my bed.

"Ceythia  let Dream handle it, it seems he can calm sapnap" Dad said.

"Well Dream should be focusing on sapphire their gonna go place--" the door shut making it hard to hear her.

"Yes dre?" I said softly sitting up.

"Why did you snap at you're sister you dont... normally do this" he asked softly reaching up to play with my hair.

"She's a sorry excuse for a sibling. You'll find out why soon" I'd murmer  softly leaning into his neck to nuzzle.

"You two have had beef but --" he sighed, "am I--"

"No. She's the one who's caused this don't worry about it dream" I sighed and moved up kissing his cheek where sapphire did, "you are perfect."

He'd chuckle softly and blushed, "and you're a confusing flirt"

You're  brother | DSMP | Dreamnap | CompeletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin