"LaRusso's!" an older gentleman voiced, as the three of them turned around, they saw Aisha's dad Mr Robinson and Aisha, and when they did, Aisha was looking at Shawn but more specifically his six pack that was on display "hey, you still kicking that competition?" Mr Robinson asked as he shook hands with his dad "you know it Isiah." his dad told him, as Mr Robinson turned to Shawn "ooh! Look at you! I see you're still keeping in shape for the new season?" he asked, as Shawn shrugged "never stopped!" he voiced, as Mr Robinson laughed "don't I know it." he told him.

"How's the Q5 treating ya?" his dad then asked him "wouldn't know. This one's been behind the wheel all month going back and forth to robot camp." Mr Robinson shared, and when he did, Shawn then laughed, which embarrassed Aisha "dad, it's an AP physics prep course." she told her dad "sounds like robot camp to me." Shawn said, as Aisha looked at him "hey, where's Samantha? I feel like I haven't seen her all summer." she shared, and when she did, Shawn furrowed his brows "do you really wanna know? Cause I feel like you already know the answer, but your just asking to see if it's changed or not when you know it hasn't." he shared.

And when he did, Aisha nodded, cause she knew better then anyone that Shawn was right, cause she knew Sam had moved onto more popular friends or more specifically Shawn's friends, having always wanted the attention he got rather then hiding in the shadows "later, Russos." Aisha's dad told them, as he turned walking off, Aisha followed him, and when they left, Shawn huffed, turning to his mom "you know, if Sam's gonna keep hanging out with all of my friends then she should at least give her actual friend a heads up." he shared, as he grabbed his soda "well, I think you told her well." his mom told him.

"All I know is she should be here. We come to this party once a year. She get's to see her stupid friends everyday." his dad shared and when he did, Shawn chuckled "whoa, should we all hide our drinks before you start kicking them out of our hands or what?" he asked "no! I'm fine." his dad told them, and when he did, Shawn and his mom looked at him with raised brows "alright, alright, you remember that guy from my high school who's car you've been fixing for free?" his dad asked "yeah, the blonde pretty boy that you beat in that tournament." his mom said, while Shawn kept his mouth shut, not wanting to share how he felt about Johnny Lawerence, seeing himself in the stories his dad used to tell him.

"Shawn! Where the hell is my drink? Hurry up!" Anthony voiced, pulling him out of his thoughts and when he did, Shawn turned to him with wide eyes "that's it." he said, walking toward's him, he grabbed the laptop and began walking off "hey!" Anthony yelled, as Shawn turned to him "your gonna have to get up from that chair if you want this back!" he voiced, holding the tablet in the air and when he did, Anthony stood up and began running over to him and as he did, Shawn quickly turned around and began running off.

"Give me my tablet!" Anthony voiced, making Shawn laugh "your gonna have to catch me first!" he voiced, running down to the pool, he slowed down seeing a bunch of teenager girls lounging by the pool as he smirked at them "ladies!" he voiced, as the girls looked at him and smiled "Shawn!" Anthony yelled, as Shawn pointed at the girls "names Shawn LaRusso!" he voiced, as he turned running off, Anthony groaned as he slowed down, catching his breath, while watching Shawn continue to run off, he turned to the girls "that's really what you girls like?" he asked, as the girls all looked at each other nodding "yeah." they told him, as Anthony huffed, turning and running after his brother.

Having gotten into the van, they all headed back home and as they began to drive up to the house, Shawn sighed, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaning over the middle console "Shawn! What are you doing? Put your seatbelt back on!" his dad voiced "believe me, I'm safer then Sam's gonna be especially when I tell the both of you what she's been doing today while we were out." Shawn shared, smirking and as he did, his dad then put his foot on the break, causing Shawn to quickly put his hands on the two seats in front of him to stop himself from flying out of the car "what?" his dad asked him "I said.." Shawn was going to tell him again.

Lonely heart, Tory Nichols जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें