◇ The Hair Method ◇

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CHARACTERS: John Dory, Branch, Poppy + Clay & Floyd + mention of Grandma Rosiepuff



" Branch had trouble falling asleep lately until he finds the solution which is... John Dory's hair ?"

WORD COUNT: 1872 words


◇ The Hair Method ◇

Autumn was always the moment of the year when Branch had the most struggles to simply just fall asleep.

He would tuss and turn around in his thick, warm blankets, get up so many times in the middle of the night at impossible hours for a glass of water and go back to his unsuccessful travel to dreamland, thirty minutes or so before the sun would rise most of the time.

He was then walking in the village this afternoon with his grumpy espression on his face, his features illustrating annoyance. Every breeze made the blue grayish male troll grunt in unpleasure, as he tried to keep his hair straight on his head, ignore the eyebags. Since he was so exhausted, every small step felt like an olympian-like effort.

Branch walked along the forest path surrounding the village. He thought maybe if he exhausted his body enough he would fall asleep more easily tonight. He hadn't very been aware of it but his walk and taken him to where hid eldest brother had settle his critter a permanent house.

The tree root made a cave shape above the armadillo critter, sheltering her from any bad weather that could happen. At the moment she was chewing on some mushroom she found in the nerby bushes, her favorite treat.

Without really thinking Branch went to pet the critter, she purred loudly which got the attention of a certain square-shaped man living under her shell. John Dory stepped out of the home,  a smile streched on his lips when he saw his baby brother;

- Hey Branch ! He walked toward him.

Branch turned his attention slowly to John Dory, and he blinked to try see through the blur. He recognized the troll and he frowned, he wasn't in the mood. Which is probably why the big brother only got from him a growl;

- Wassup? You look like you haven't slept in days ! John Dory teased him.

Which was actually what was going on. Branch shrugged, lazily laying his forehead against Rhonda's face which she nuzzled him happily. No matter who, Rhonda was always happy to see any troll. No doubt John loved her that much.

Seeing how exhausted he looked, he walked back inside of Rhonda and brought outside something; a picnic blanket and some packages of bread, peanut butter and jelly.

- Ya hungry? He asked innocently.

Soon the two trolls were sitting by Rhonda's side. The older one was busy making peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches while the younger one was dozing off and barely keeping his eyes awake.  Eventually John Dory layed back down, his stomach full. Branch hadn't eaten that much, and he looked toward him;

- Braaaanch? He teased more, amused by the situation, his brother didn't answered.


- Brannnch, wake up !

He woke up later, the sun was setting at this point.

Branch blinked his eyes open, hearing snoring beside him. He realized he had fell asleep- and gosh he felt his whole body burn with embarassement when he realized the position he was in–

◇|| TROLLS ONESHOTS ||◇जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें