"You're staring at Harley, she's confused, and you're scared," the caller replied, causing Liza's eyes to widen in terror.

"Okay, that's not funny, you sicko! Leave me the hell alone," Liza snapped before abruptly ending the call.

Harley looked at Liza, panic evident in her expression. Liza quickly grabbed her phone and handed it to Harley. "Some psycho is harassing us! Call 911," Liza commanded, her voice urgent. She then rushed down the hallway, activating the house's alarm system. With trembling hands, she entered the code and pressed the lock button, securing all the doors in the house.

As Liza made her way back to the living room, the other house phone began to ring, causing her to jump and breathe heavily. She backed away from the phone, shaking her head in disbelief. "No..." she whispered to herself. But then she heard a scream, a familiar one.

"Harley!" Liza realized, her heart pounding in her chest. She quickly returned to the phone and grabbed it, her voice filled with desperation. "This isn't funny, Max and Harley! Someone could seriously be in my house."

"I told you, this isn't Max," the caller responded, sending a chill down Liza's spine.

"Then who are you?" Liza asked, her voice quivering with fear.

"You won't be alive to find out," the caller coldly replied, sending a shiver down Liza's spine. She scoffed, trying to mask her fear.

"So, you think it's funny to bother and scare a fifteen-year-old?" Liza snapped, her voice filled with defiance.

"Who said I was just bothering and scaring?" the caller taunted, their words dripping with malice. "You know, you shouldn't have left sweet, innocent Harley behind. She's very easy to grab."

Liza's eyes widened in horror, and without wasting a moment, she sprinted back to the living room, only to find her phone lying on the floor and no sign of Harley. She bit the corner of her lip anxiously, her grip tightening around the phone in her trembling hand.

"What do you want from me?" Liza asked, her voice quivering, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Just to play a game," the caller replied, their voice chillingly calm.

Liza's voice cracked as she pleaded, "What game?"

"Just a little trivia. Stab edition," the caller revealed, causing Liza to shake her head in disbelief.

"What? No! I don't know anything about those movies!" Liza exclaimed, panic and desperation evident in her voice. It was true, tonight was the first time she had even heard of the Stab series, let alone watched any of the films.

Liza's tears streamed down her face as the caller reminded her of her previous laughter at the Stab movies, despite her knowledge that they were based on true events.

"Please, just leave me alone," Liza pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.

"How about this? I'll give you three rounds and one bonus question. If you try to call the cops, Harley dies. If you get a question wrong, she dies. I have her with me at the moment. Just one slit of my knife, and she's dead," the caller laid out the horrifying options.

Liza's heart sank at the mention of her best friend's life hanging in the balance. How could she possibly answer these questions correctly under such pressure? Why did she even answer the phone?

"Let's start with a warm-up question. Who was supposed to play Sidney Prescott in Stab?" the caller challenged, the timer ticking.

Liza frantically tried to recall the actress's name, her mind racing. "Tori Spelling!" she blurted out, cutting off the caller.

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