jeongin: dads working still?

Mrsyang: yuppp now would you like to explain why your principal called me?

jeongin: uhmmm right so im gay- im dating this boy named changbin

Mrsyang: well sir im happy for you and support you but your breaking the rules

jeongin: you and dad broke the rules tho

Mrsyang: i- how exactly?

jeongin: isnt dad trans? he used to be a girl when you guys dated back then, he told me the story ma

Mrsyang: ay- okay fine but only break the tules if you really love him honey.

jeongin: i dooo!!

Mrsyang then smiled and hugged jeongin

Mrsyang: i love you

jeongin: i do too mama

-with chan

MrBang: chan your home!

chan: yes i am home, whats up?

MrsBang: your principal called us hun

chan: oh- uhm well- i-im

MrBang: yes we know and we support your fully! only thing is why are you dating a slacker?. and well the kims son?.

chan: uhmmmmm seungmin? no his group is slackers but he's really a smart amazing person dad!, he is kind and funny. has straight A's. he's truthfully amazing. and well like your work enemies thing has nothing to do wjth my love life..

MrsBang: awwwww you must really like this boy huh honey?

chan: of course i do?

MrBang: well then you have our permission to keep dating him

chan laughed and ran over hugging his parents

chan: thank you guys.

-with seungmin

he didn't even say a word. he knew what was coming and was getting ready, once he turned around he saw his mom and dad sitting on the couch looking disappointed.

MrsKim: sit down seungmin.

seungmin: dont have time i need to study

MrKim: study what?. sit your ass down!.

seungmin rolled his eyes throwing his bag on the floor snd sitting down

MrsKim: why didn't you tell us?.

seungmin: aw which part? that im a fag or that im dating dads work enemie's son?.

MrKim: how about both!.

seungmin: because i knew you'd act like this!.

MrsKim: like what?!.

seungmin: i don't have time for this can i just go to my room?

MrKim: your breaking up with that boy do you understand?!

seungmin: pfft! says who?!.

MrKim: says me! and if you dont seungmin i will break your phone computer snd transfer you schools!.

seungmin: thats bullshit!? NOT FAIR!

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