23|unforgiveable wound

Start from the beginning

There was that sickening sweet voice of his cousin. He didn't feel much for Tigris anymore. She was just a stylist in his games. Coriolanus can easily forget that they are blood related.

Her blonde hair was pinned up and she looked worried. Tigris took gentle steps as she spotted Pearl.

"How is she doing?"

Coriolanus looked over at his Pearl. "Lovely."

Pearl didn't look how she normally did. There was something wrong with her eyes. Tigris approached carefully, Coriolanus at her side.

"Hi Pearl," Tigris greeted softly.

Pearl's brows furrowed in confusion. "Hi?"

"How are you feeling?"

Pearl paused. "Who are you?"

Tigris laughed a nervous laugh. "Your stylist, silly. And your friend." She turned to Coriolanus in concern. "Does she not remember anything?"

Coriolanus shrugged. "She remembers me perfectly fine."

He bent down to kiss her and she immediately kissed back as if it was an order. She didn't remember Tigris and Coriolanus was exhilarated.

Pearl suddenly noticed that she was stuck against the metal slate and began to struggle. "Why can't I move?"

"Sorry about that, my love. Are you going to behave?"

Pearl nodded. The mark the bullet left wasn't even noticeable. He really was able to save her. Coriolanus unstrapped Pearl and scooped her up in his arms.

"If you'll excuse us, we'll be getting back to my room."

"Coriolanus. Why was she in the laboratory and not the medical wing? Why doesn't she remember me?"

Coriolanus sighed. "So many questions."

Tigris was furious. Coriolanus had never seen her so angry since she was always so gentle. "I want to know what you did to her. This isn't the Pearl I know."

Coriolanus slightly smirked. "What I did to her is none of your concern. She is my concern. You know I would never hurt her."

"Except for the time you stabbed her with her own trident?"

"How do you know about that?" Coriolanus asked quickly.

"Trust me, I know a lot more than you think. Your intentions with her are nothing but terrible."

Coriolanus shook his head, fury running through his veins. "I love her, Tigris."

"This isn't love. I saw the same thing with Lucy Gray, and I won't let you ruin Pearl."

Coriolanus fought the urge to kill Tigris on the spot. Pearl shook in his arms, almost inaudible. Tigris could tell that something was wrong with Pearl because Pearl would never let Coriolanus hold her like this.

"Don't you bring up her name again."

"Who's? Lucy Gray's?"

"I am warning you, Tigris."

A soldier entered the laboratory. "Sir. Would you like to me to escort Tigris back to her quarters?"

He nodded. "Yes. She must not be feeling well, or know what she's talking about," he whispered.

Tigris yelled, but she was no match for one of Coriolanus's men.

He looked down at Pearl. "Let's go to my room, rose."

Coriolanus got stares as he carried Pearl, but he didn't care. They should all know that she is his. All of Panem should know it.

He may have had to do some tinkering with her thoughts to help move their relationship along, but he was sure Pearl wouldn't mind.

Coriolanus saw her eyes shut. Of course she wouldn't mind, what was be worrying about?

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