1 - Once Upon A Time...

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Once upon a time, there were three Trolls.

One was named Poppy
"Hey, how's it going?"

The other two were Branch and (y/n).
"What's up?"

Together, they saved the world!

Poppy became Queen, Branch found his True Colors, and (y/n) was united with other trolls and became best friends with everyone!

"Pcheww! Pheww! Powww! Pchew-pow-pow, PCHEWW!"
(Imitating Fireworks)

And that was that.
Cute, right? Not to me.
I'm the type of cloud that goes for-"

The screen zooms out, showing a flying dog with two other dog faces for paws as it began barking a few times, including the little doggy paws.

"This sorta thangggg..."


What Poppy and Branch didn't know is that their world was bigger than they knew. Like a LOT, LOT, LOT bigger!

So, that's how this all went down...





After a stunning little introduction to their morning through song, everyone was pumped-up and ready for today. Except for (y/n) who was different. She felt so... wronged... in a weird way. Ever since she united with the Trolls she realized she was... different. She didn't feel like she fit in with her much more pointed ears and darker tones, slightly sharper teeth as well, and a liking for much more darker music.

Anyways, Poppy went about her day with Branch and (y/n) at her side who had this weird fake-looking smile on her face but nobody seemed to notice yet.

"Hey! That was some fancy footwork, Cooper!"
"Some people just got it!"

"Biggie, Mr. Dinkles! You two were ON FIRE!"
"Yeah, sorry about that Queen Poppy."

Biggie turned around to show a Mr. Dinkles with his head on fire, and was soon put out from Biggie and earned a delighted mew from Mr. Dinkles.

"Digging that new anklet, Legsly!"
"Thanks Queen Poppy! Kisses and doughnuts and SPRINKLESSSS!"

Legsly ran off as her anklet bells made a low jingling noise as she got farther and farther away, Branch letting out a sharp exhale as he smiled and put his hands on his hips. (y/n) looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, What a troll..."

Suddenly, Guy Diamond came on by with his new son aka Tiny Diamond in his hands. They both looked so happy, and so was everyone else for this new addition to the family.

"Tiny Diamond! Welcome to the family, little Buddy!"
"Thanks, Aunt Poppy. And thanks to this silver-haired Daddy of mine for bringing me into this world..."

Pretty Little Liar - TROLLS - Barb x Fem!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt