Intro: Pillow Princess

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(No One's POV)

Marie sat by the window as she played with her hair. She had just reread her old book "The Book of hell." Her mother and father used to read it to her when she was younger...

"I'll make you proud Mom.." she muttered.

She knew her mother would have been at the very least, impressed that Marie had gotten this far.

Even if she had to get the radio demon to help out.

She vaguely heard the door open. "Marie?" She heard Vaggie's voice.

She jumps a bit and looks over to see her girlfriend, Vaggie. Vaggie and her were in a poly relationship. Marie was Polyamurous and Vaggie was supportive of that, she knew that Marie was the love of her life, and Would always return to her.

"Aah! Oh, shit. Did you hear all that?" Marie asks, her cheeks turning red.

"Uh, yeah. I was right there." Vaggie points her thumb to the doorway.

Marie smiles sadly. "S-Sorry. I get pretty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps..." She says it had been seven years since her mother had been last seen. Deep down she worried if something happened to her. Her mom was not a hellborn, she was once human and she is the original Sinner.

"Don't worry. I enjoy your theatrics." Vaggie says, sitting down next to Marie, and taking her hand. "Are you okay?"

Marie forced a smile. "I'm fine. Just... thinking, you know? Family stuff." She says she feels like her dad was right that she was a failure, she even called her mom in the hope that she would give her some advice. That was a week ago.

"Did you hear from your mom?" Vaggie asks, she had avoided asking if Marie got a callback.

Marie shakes her head and grips her suit pants.

"Oof... how long has it been now?" Vaggie asks, trying not to pry if Marie is not ready for it.

"Not that long, only..." She stopped and swallowed. "...Seven....years, off doing something important, I'm sure! But, this kingdom was something she cared about. Something I care about."

Vaggie smiles. "Well, at least you're not alone."

Marie kissed Vaggie's cheek and then leaned her head on her shoulder. "I just hope that what I'm trying to do here will work." She admits she wants to stop the senseless violence.

Vaggie wraps her arm around Marie. "It will. I have faith in you." Vaggie tells her. Also, Vaggie will hurt anyone who gets in HER Marie's way.

KeeKee, who is Marie's pet cat and the key to the hotel leaps into into her arms as Vaggie stands up.

"Alright, come on. Alastor says he has something to show us." She tells

Marie. She then heads out of the door and Marie sets Keekee down, she looks out the window as the tower for Angels has its bell tow, another day in hell. A Little less than a year until the next extermination.

But! That's a little less than a year to prepare which is better than like, less than 6 months, so happy thoughts!

She walked out after her girlfriend, looking down the halls, and seeing some of the family portraits lining the walls Marie sighed before going to the main area and seeing Husk, Nifty, and Angel sitting on the couch with Vaggie saving a spot for Marie.

Marie sat down and Alastor walked over. "So you asked me to help and make a commercial! I did just that, even though I do a broadcast on my radio show would be the best!"

"Alastor, you have not done a radio show in seven years?" Vaggie asks. "I don't think anyone would listen."

The smile stays on Alastor's face and his eyebrow twitches. Since he came here, Vaggie knew he had some type of desire for Marie. She does not know what that desire is. It could be to eat marie, make a deal with her, or fuc- maybe not. She could not tell what Alastor wanted. But She does not trust him!

Hell's Princess: Various Yandere Hazbin Hotel X Charlie OCWhere stories live. Discover now