Brody's Math Class Tango

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As Matt sat in the back of the math class, he couldn't help but glance over at Katie, who sat a few desks away. The professor droned on about equations and theorems, but Matt's attention was elsewhere.

Katie, with her outgoing and loud personality, had a way of drawing attention without even trying. She'd helped Matt in the past with trying to catch the eye of his crush, Alex, but lately, his focus had shifted. Now, it was Katie who held his gaze.

With each passing day, Matt found himself more and more captivated by Katie's infectious energy. The crush he once harbored for someone else in the class now seemed distant and unimportant.

During the lecture, Matt couldn't resist becoming a bit more playful. He exchanged teasing glances with his slim eye's and light banter with Katie, who seemed both surprised and flustered by the sudden change. Gone were the days of trying to impress someone who barely noticed him; now, his attention was firmly fixed on the orange-skin, racist baddie whirlwind next to him.Katie, who had always been the master of flirtation, found herself at a loss for words as Matt's newfound playfulness took her by surprise. The math class, once a setting for awkward attempts at flirting with someone that Alex fag, had transformed into a stage for a different kind of dance—one between two best friends on the brink of something new.As the class continued, the unspoken tension between Matt and Katie hung in the air, growing with every shared glance and exchanged smile. Little did they know that the mathematics of friendship and affection were about to take an unexpected turn.

Forbidden love; A gay man and a thot daughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin