It was different after Harley found him bleeding out in his room. Tony definitely seemed to notice the change, even if he didn't know how they'd suddenly become good friends.

Nico didn't reply and he shifted awkwardly. He handed Peter a plate and kept one for himself and they sat in the living room to watch TV.

Peter laughed at the TV and glanced up at Nico, but he didn't even seem to be paying attention. Nico didn't even seem to know what happened in the episode after Peter commented on it.

Peter sat up and set his plate on the table. "Is something wrong?"

"No, why?"

"You seem distracted." He waited, but when Nico still didn't reply, he said, "Is this about me being friends with Harley?"

"I know you said it's not like that or anything, but I still don't like how much you hang with him." Nico got up and sat on a stool in the kitchen and Peter turned on the couch to face him.

"What do you mean? I mean, we're friends, of course, we hang out."

"I know, but it's just kind of weird for me." He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "I mean, a new guy rolls into town and now you guys are best friends or something and have a ton in common."

"We don't really have much in common though. But... well, what do you want me to do?"

"Honestly? I want..." he seemed to think better of it and just groaned. "Nothing. It's fine."

"No, seriously. I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you or anything like that. Tell me."

"I don't want you to be friends with him anymore." He shifted on his stool and looked away when Peter met his gaze.

Peter's mouth was slightly ajar as he muttered, "What?" shocked. He didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't that.

He huffed again and looked back at Peter, though this time his gaze was hardened, his resolve set. "If you want me to be honest, then I don't think you guys being friends will help our relationship at all. I'm not comfortable with it. I mean, just think if our roles were reversed, wouldn't you feel the same?"

The first thought that came to mind was no, of course, he wouldn't make Nico drop one of his friends. But maybe he had a point. He sounded genuine. Anyway, it was Peter's first relationship; Nico had been in a lot so far. Nico would know better what works and what doesn't.

That didn't mean he wanted to just stop being friends with Harley though. "Are you sure that's the only way? He's one of my only friends at the internship. Would you want to meet him or something instead so you can see for yourself that I'm not interested in him?"

Nico's face turned sour. "No way I wanna meet him. And yeah, it'll be best. I don't think this'll work out if he's involved at all."

His shock had faded, but now it returned full force again, leaving him breathless. "You mean you'll... we'll break up if I stay friends with him?"

"I just don't want any problems with our relationship and he's one. I wanna stay with you, Peter, please." His tone was pleading.

Peter looked down for a moment in thought. He liked being friends with Harley, but to lose Nico?

"Okay," he gave in, quietly.

The rest of the day with Nico was a blur, but he remembered him being sweet after that. Nico bought him ice cream and they walked around a park for a while before finally walking him home. It was nice, actually, but he was lost in thought for large parts of it.


"Hey, do you wanna hang out?"

Peter glanced up at Harley quickly but looked back down at his plate. "I can't, sorry. I have to go work on my web shooters. New pair."

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