271 Bike Rides

146 42 11

"Fuck you,
fuck everybody,
fuck everything"

You got middle fingers to everything and the world
is your oyster, you come in multiple flavors

ashen stains, snow caps, burns on both arms and legs
I think the flavor of your breath is still my favorite
I think the taste of your arrogance and your unbent knees
appeal to me the most, you don't care at all

and it's dangerous chemistry that will surely burn us both
I think we lost the formula in the pages and pages
we wrote to each other with nothing but poetic justice
mixed in with hennessy, hair messy and everything wrong
and you know that both of us would never right any of them
unless we wrote them all in blood, the plant lion overgrowth in our yards

undress, get down
we don't need words
to separate
nor do we need them to love

geometry, duhNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ