(TW- Guns, Talks of Death and Torture, Pit Rage, and self-inflicted harm from the rage, Blood, Brief mentions of bullying)

Danny shifted as his mind slowly pulled itself from the hands of sleep, instantly dawning on the fabric underneath him. His mind rapidly fired scenes of what happened the day prior, noting he had no idea where he was. He went through the checklist, checking for injuries and branching out his core to get a good sense of the ambient emotional energy. Nothing... Well. No... Not exactly. There was definitely something; he just didn't understand it.

Danny frowned peeking his eyes open to see he was in a bedroom. The room itself was nothing too special but Danny could tell without having to get up and look, that it had been cleared of many things. This was someone's room, not just a guest room, and definitely not a containment cell. Whoever had taken him, either was a civilian who did not understand what they were getting into, or wanted to give the illusion of safety and kindness. Danny checked his core, letting his ectoplasm leach into the air and settle, before glancing over to see the steaming bowl of oatmeal resting on the end table beside him.

Danny paused for a bit, eyes flashing green, before he simply grabbed the bowl and started to eat. He wasn't going to turn it down if it was offered. There was a slight click of the door, making Danny's ears perk up at the sound, but he didn't bring attention to the fact that he heard it. Danny felt the thrum of protect/suspicion/confusion in the air, and figured it was best to let whoever it was that took him make the first move.

"You know..." The sound was modulated clearly indicating some sort of hero had been his captor. Most villains don't go through the trouble, and Gotham rouges don't care about being identified. It's the vigilantes who take the time to make sure their identity is safe. "...most people when they wake up in a strange unknown place they definitely didn't fall asleep in..." Danny could hear as whoever it was sat down somewhere in the corner of the room. "...and find food just waiting for them, they usually assume it must be poisoned or tampered with in some way and decide not to eat it."

"You wouldn't have put in the effort of putting me a bed all tucked in nice, if you were just going to kill me the second I woke up. Especially not with poisoning breakfast." Danny chuckled, still practically shoveling the oatmeal into his mouth. "Besides, toxins, venoms, and poisons... they don't work on me. And the likelihood that you found the one thing that did, well... it's far too small to even think it a true risk. So not eating the food you took the effort into making me would only result in me skipping a meal. And since I have no clue what your plans are, I think I'd rather have the..." Danny froze like ice the second he looked up to find that familiar red helmet. "...energy. Fuck..." Danny gulped down whatever was left of his food before placing the bowl back on the end table, eyes never leaving the other man. "Red Hood."

"So you know me." Not a question... Danny's eyes darkened as he sat himself up straighter, hands firmly in his lap. He had a feeling the second he saw where he was the point of his capture was for questioning, but he hadn't thought he would be getting Bat-Interrogated just yet. "Good, this at least makes it a bit easier." Hood leaned against his knees, drawing Danny's eyes to the gun resting limply over his leg. Intimidation... something Batman uses to its fullest. Make yourself large and loud and scary. It doesn't have to be obvious. And with the way Hood's presence completely drowned out the entire room, he knew exactly how to do it without the slightest movement. Any normal criminal would buckle at the sheer massive aura this man was putting out, and having it wholly directed at Danny wasn't doing him any favors. "Who the fuck are you? And why are you here?"

"Uh..." Danny looked himself over, seeing he was still in Phantom form, and frowned. Red Hood twitched at the movement, making it clear he was one good sign from unloading that gun right at him. "Phantom. I..." Danny sighed, shaking his head, as he fidgeted with his gloves. "My name is Phantom."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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