Not so peaceful

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Sorry it's not really Christmas eve now but when I was writing it was so I hope it still worked since its still Christmas week and also new year's eve but I'm sorry for it being late

But you can appreciate sexy Chris and Leon 


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...well that's how the story goes at least but for you that wasn't the case as it was Christmas eve and the family was over

As you got up to the sound of yelling and slight clattering you rubbed your face and looked beside you and saw that your boyfriend of 2 years wasn't next to you so you sighed finally knowing who was downstairs

Before facing the music that was downstairs you went to have a shower and got dressed in one of his shirts and some jeans before heading downstairs and on the way there you saw Jill sitting on the stairs with her head in her hands

"are they at it again?" you asked as you sat with her and she nodded making you sigh as you quietly walked towards the kitchen and saw Carlos, Chris, Leon and Luis in the kitchen trying to make preparations for Christmas dinner before quietly walking away

When you reached the living room you saw Ada, Claire and Ashley playing Mario kart with the addition of yelling and slight nudging making you hold back a sigh and a slight grin at the amusements they were having

You nudged Jill to follow you and she looked confused so she did the same for the rest and motioned silently for their bags which they grabbed and you all walked out without the boys knowing and you took them to the spa for a while

An hour later

You and the girls were done with the spa and went to get their nails done which weirdly enough wasn't as busy as you thought it would be at Christmas but they deserve it with dealing them this morning while you tried to get a lie in which failed

Meanwhile the boys were trying to make dinner without burning down Leon's kitchen but Luis decided to give the arguing a rest and just watched them with a beer in his hand

"Ustedes los estadounidenses son tan torpes" { you Americans are so clumsy } he spoke out as he just watched Carlos almost drop the turkey on the baking tray while trying to put it in the oven

"don't make me get Y/N on you Luis I know your scared of her" Leon replied as he finished prepping the veg and set them in right bowls ready to put in a pan to get cooked tomorrow

"ah mi amigo she's not even here so she can't do anything to me" Luis replied as he took a sip of his beer with a grin on his face

"but I can tell her when she gets back" he shot back pointing the knife to him

"I'll sick Claire on him so it's fine" Chris replied as he finished doing the pigs in blankets and set them on a baking tray

"she's not here either seriously you guys have nothing to get me with" Luis replied with a laugh and Chris went to check the front of the house and didn't find them there but trusted that they are not long

After an hour you all got back with the last-minute Christmas shopping and a little bit of food shopping with same stuff Chris forgot or you but you all looked a little more relaxed but you saw the boys on the couch playing Mario Kart but Leon was leaning against the wall and pointed to Luis so you whacked him across the head

"para que era eso" {what was that for} Luis asked as he rubbed the back of his head annoyed

"for being an ass" you spoke as you set the stuff down and went to Leon "what did he do?" you asked quietly as you leaned into him as you wrapped your arms around his waist

"he called us Americans stupid then proceeded to think he can get away with it" he replied as he stood up straight for you and kissed the top of your head softly as he wrapped an arm around your waist

"you two are so cute" Ashley spoke out taking a picture of you both before grinning at her phone at the photo she just took while Leon just chuckled at Ashley

"shut up ash" you blushed slightly as you nuzzled your face into his chest embarrassed before Claire dragged you to the kitchen making Leon and the rest of them laugh

"let's assess the damage and try to fix or make what they missed" she spoke out making you bite your lip in humor as she always did this every Christmas

"actually, we didn't miss anything" Chris said firmly as he watched you both

"mmm...cookies...stuffing....pumpkin pie...omg they forgot the turnip...guys I trusted you on this when you did the shopping" you listed off as you looked around the kitchen before pouting in disappointment when you got to the pie and turnip the only things you were looking forward too

"we did those don't worry" Leon spoke trying to defend himself mainly so he doesn't upset you and so he doesn't ruin the night for you both mainly

"no no you didn't or else we would've seen it..." Claire replied with a sigh as she got the stuff out to make the pie and the rest of the ingredients

"I'll go get some turnip and cookies..." Carlos replied getting on his jacket to go out and got Luis to join him since he didn't do anything to contribute to the preparing of the food

"no need we got some food in case you guys forgot some of them or we wanted some stuff to snack on" Ashley spoke out as she grabbed the bag of food and set it on the slightly messy counter and all three of you dealt with the last little bits that they forgot

After hours of drinking between the group and you made sure Ashley and Leon didn't drink too much since you don't drink as much as them but made sure that everyone was safe and got a taxi for everyone but called security for Ashley to take them home

Once they got home safe you but on an early Christmas present for Leon and spent most of the night and into the morning which you didn't mind since Chris and the rest weren't coming till 12 so you both had plenty of time for a slight lie in

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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