Xie Lian, of course, had his favorites. He just couldn't help it, and had been tremendously embarrassed when admitting it. So much that his face had become the same color of Hua Cheng's robes, and didn't go back to normal even after a shower of kisses was gifted to him.

There was one skin in particular that struck Xie Lian, upon seeing it, so similar to the young boy Hua Cheng was during the time he had enlisted in the army of XianLe. When he finally got to see how his husband really used to look like, when he asked him, the god had found himself surprised at how close that skin was to reality.

It pained him that Hua Cheng got rid of what he thought ugly in that skin, like the bright red eye and the simple robes, but at the same time... Xie Lian realized that the ghost never truly let go of his past. Never truly rejected himself to the point of genuine hate.

Maybe he didn't realize it, in his self-loathing, but Xie Lian had been happy to see that.

If the choice had been between staying in Ghost City and going to Nether Water Manor by himself, Hua Cheng would have probably closed the communication array before the one contacting him could finish a sentence.

But, because he was with Xie Lian, and because Xie Lian was always happy to see his friends, he nodded: «Mh, of course we're going, gege». He wasn't eager to spend however many hours in the gloomy mansion that He Xuan had the audacity of calling his residence, but at least he could look forward to the bright smile on his beloved's face.

Humming a happy tune, Xie Lian kept braiding Hua Cheng's hair until he was satisfied with the outcome, and left a kiss on the crown of his head for good measure. The ghost, who was positively melting under all that sweet attention, let out a content sigh; his beloved had gotten really good at fixing his hair throughout the years, even if he still messed up sometimes.

No matter, Hua Cheng would end up with his hair un in the most crooked and uneven ponytail ever, and he would still be delighted about it.

He just loved when Xie Lian did something because he wanted to, be that brushing his hair with utmost care or kiss the Ghost King until he couldn't think anymore.

Judging by the reflection in the mirror, His Highness did an excellent job that time. Seeing him place a delicate white flower behind his head, were the biggest braid started, Hua Cheng curled his lips in a fond smile: «Waiting for you was worth it, A-Lian», he said, a murmur in their quiet room.

Xie Lian's hands stilled for a moment, hovering over the ornament, and then placed themselves on Hua Cheng's shoulders. He leaned forward, just enough for his lips to reach his husband's cheek, and kissed him there: «It's a good thing you don't need to wait anymore».

Happy, the god nuzzled his nose in the crook of Hua Cheng's neck, careful not to disrupt his braids. The familiar scent of the ghost was mingled with the flowers and blood of Xie Lian's, still lingering, stuck to him because the Crown Prince hugged him close that night. It was a testament of their happiness, proof of how possible it was even for the most broken ones to put their lives back together again.

Xie Lian was grateful for Hua Cheng's effort, for his patience, his loyalty. He stitched his heart back together, gave its beating a meaning that had been lost to the relentless passage of time.

They stayed like that for a while, basking in each other's presence, until Xie Lian got impatient and decided it was time to finish dressing up.

To make both his heart and his husband happy, the god threw on a set of robes that he rarely wore, made for him thanks to the effort of the ghosts of Ghost City. It was a gift he received for their first fifty years of marriage, one the ghosts insisted on giving him because they were all happy that their lord was finally able to smile so much.

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