Day 1

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Hi! I'm Sean. Uh, I don't really know how to start this, uhm. Could we start from the beginning, like as in the beginning of the story? Would that work? Yeah, uh Okay.

 First day of school, 8th grade. Everyone was sitting in the hall and saying hi and all that fun stuff. 

Then the intercom came on,

"Could all Honor Club members please come to the cafeteria. All Honor Club member please go to the cafeteria."

Students got up, maybe 20 or 30 all went to the cafeteria.

 Where was I in all of this you ask? Sitting in between two lockers on my phone, only then, when all the Honor Club students got up and went to the cafeteria did I look up. Every student that was walking there was getting weird glares, like they were some ninja cult. I know great comparison. 

 I was curious, so I texted my friend, Tyler, who was in Honor Club, and asked him what was so special about the Honor Club meeting, and why everyone was staring at them. Here's the text, I copy and pasted it: 

SEAN (ME): Bruh whats up with all those people staring at you on your way to the meeting? 

TYLER: lol what r u talking about?

 SEAN: Dude people were staring at you like you were Jahovas Witness about to go door to door. 

TYLER: lol I didn't see anyone. All we're talking about is how in order to stay in Honor Club we need to make sure to keep up our grades, yatta yatta yatta. 

SEAN: Mkay whatever. 

 Since we had about an hour before actual school started I decided to go out back to the basketball court and skateboard. I un-clipped my board from my backpack and continued to skate around for a bit, I got tired and went inside, on my way back to 8th grade hall I passed the 'Ol cafeteria and heard the people inside cheering, this got my spider senses tingling (Shutup) I was so curious, I peaked inside they were all sitting quietly listening to the principal.

I shut the door and turned around, I noticed on the ground a powder, what seemed to be circling the entire perimeter of the cafeteria, I thought it was weird but dismissed it thinking it was some weird religious thing our lunch lady did so the Dark Lord Cthulhu wouldn't posses the steamed brocolli. 

 Turning around, I accidentally tipped over some chemicals onto the floor, thinking it was just water with food coloring I went to get paper towels to dry it up.

When I got back the entire perimeter of the cafeteria was on fire. I flipped out and pulled the fire alarm and grabbed the fire extinguisher and tried to put it out. No success, the entire school evacuated. 

As we sat outside the school waiting for the Fire Department to put it out, me and my friend Luke sat on the sidewalk talking. Since he was in Honor Club I decided to go all Nancy Drew on him too and ask him a few questions 

"Dude," I started, "What's up with you guys cheering, did Bob Barker come out and give you guys a million dollars?"

 "Uh, Sean. We weren't cheering, are you okay?" Luke tells me 

"No, I heard you cheering, I know I did." I said 

"Sean, we weren't cheering." Luke tells me slowly.

 "Whatever." I say. 

We got to go and continue our boring first day at around 9:30, the fire damage was minimum, just around the walls of the cafeteria. We just had to eat in our classrooms the first few days.

While Ms. Malcom was being boring and giving her "I don't care about you but eyyy welcome to hell" speech, I was daydreaming, my mind stumbled upon the Honor Club, I was thinking, and I could just end my curiousity by going backstage, (the stage was also in the cafeteria) and listen to what they're saying, realize that it's boring and move on with life. 

So, since the meeting started at 3:30 I just skateboarded out behind the school for a bit, nothing exciting happened except a janitor yelling at me for listening to music, that was in my head phones... 

3:30, I decided to sit in the next hall 'till 3:35 then all the hallway traffic would be cleared. After the hallway was empty and the speech started I snuck through the door backstage and hid behind a cardboard cutout and listened. This is what I heard. 

"Dear Honor Club Students. The Clan of Ovamoth," (I personally thought this sounded like a wrestler name, but anyway, here's the rest.) "is more powerful than ever, they have claimed the lives of many people in our beloved town of, White River, this is unacceptable, we need to be on high alert for any Vampires, Zombies, or Ghost." 

 "What the heck?!?" I thought, I freaked out and tried to get out of there as fast as possible. I knocked over a paint can, a loud bang soon followed,

"Dog nipples." I muttered. I hid behind a shelf and hoped nobody saw me.

I peeked and saw the principal look backstage, he said 

"Sage, ma'am would you mind checking backstage and making sure whatever fell was just a coincidence?"

 "Yes sir," Sage responded.

Sage, she's cool I've talked to her a bit, she's closer friends to Luke than me, she knows me primarily from Instagram, but that's not the point.

Sage began looking around, she got near where I was hiding, I looked up and saw her staring at me.

"Sean," She started, "You idiot, you complete and utter freaking idiot."

I tried to talk put she covered my mouth with her hands.

"Don't talk, meet me and Luke outside in the Gazibo after the meeting, 4:00." She told me.

I nodded and began to slowly crawl away. As I was about to leave I heard Sage tell the principal,

"Nope a cardboard cutout just fell on a shelf and knocked a few things over."

Honor ClubDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora