"How's your boyfriend?" The one in front of me asked, his smile widening at my frown. A lot of people asked me that today, but most of them were nice, actually concerned. The ones who didn't care didn't approach me, but this boy did not seem to care about Kai one bit.

"Are you going to answer the question anytime soon?" The one next to me let out, and I gritted my teeth, my eyes gazing between the three of them but didn't open my mouth. I felt my chest move up and down faster though, in anger. Don't talk about him. I wanted to say, but I swallowed it down.

"Maybe her dad told her not to talk to strangers," the one standing away chuckled, "don't you remember how some people would call her daddy's girl?"

"Oh, right," the one in front of me replied with a roll of his eyes, "then let us introduce ourselves, so we're no longer strangers. I'm Noah," he put a hand on his chest before motioning to the one next to me, "that's Miles. And that one over there is Davis."

I gave them a bored look, blinking at them being my only motion. I've heard this before. A lot. Oh, she's used to getting whatever she wants, a girl said when I asked to take a seat I didn't know was taken by someone already in the cafeteria.

Oh, forgot you're born with a golden spoon in your mouth so you can't do anything by yourself, another one said when she saw Kai, who was literally raised by the same people as me, cleaning a part of the bench for me before I sat down because it had been raining earlier and was a mess.

Such a daddy's girl, isn't she? He probably made her think nobody can say no to her, another said when I was assigned as a leader in a group project and told everyone what they should do.

I also saw how Clara and Dalia looked at me when Dad drove me to the lake party, like I was a kid who always needed her dad to take her hand everywhere she goes.

"Oh, do you not talk to anyone you think is below you?" Noah snapped me out of my thoughts, cocking his head to the side before glancing at the one next to me, "hey, do you think if that bomb killed off her whole family, she'd have nobody to talk to so she'll finally answer?"

My nose flared in anger, blood rushing through my nerves, making my hands curl into fits as my eyes turned into slits, glaring at them, "what did you just say?"

"Oh my god, is she trying to be scary?" Miles chuckled, raising his fingers to brush his fingers against my jaw before I smacked his hand away with a disgusted look on my face, making him laugh more, my blood boiling at the sound. I knew some, most, of the girls treated me like this because they liked Kai, but I knew others just hated both Kai and I. These boys were proof of it too.

"You—" I was cut off by two hands grabbing both Noah and Miles by the back of their collars, pulling them away. I blinked and looked up, seeing Kai holding both of them with a blank expression, but his eyes shot daggers at them. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when his eyes met mine, softening before he glanced at Noah, the sharp look in his eyes coming back.

"Do you have a problem?" He shoved both of them sway, his eyes still on Noah as Miles fixed his clothes, eyeing them. I glanced at Davis who was still in the same position, hands in his pockets, no expression, but he wasn't looking at me anymore, just Kai.

"I'm looking at it," Noah looked at Kai up and down. I felt my insides hear with anger, but Kai didn't even seem to care about what Noah was saying, "you—"

"Yeah, no, I don't care what your problem is," Kai waved a hand lazily, taking a step forward, "I just want you to know that if I saw you within 5 mile radius from her again, I will make you regret even thinking about looking her way, understand?"

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