"Noted," she took my seat and continued to rearrange the pieces. I glanced at Kai who wasn't even paying attention to me or the chess board, only smiling at Emma even when she didn't see him. Down bad.

I rolled my eyes and went up to Kenji, taking the stool next to him. I was about to say something when my phone buzzed on the counter, causing me to quickly grab it because I thought I might have an idea of who it is. I looked at the number, and it turned out I was right, quickly declining the call and putting the phone in my pocket.

Evelyn last called me the day before Christmas. It wasn't the first time though. When Kai was in the hospital she tried calling me again, but I wasn't in the mood for her, or anything honestly, just focusing on taking care of Emma and the rest while waiting for Kai to wake up. After that, after we made sure he was okay, she called again and this time I answered, but it was the same as the first time she called.

How are you?

I want to talk to you.

Can we meet up?

When I would ask her why, she'd just say it can't be over the phone. When I would ask why she's even calling she would say because she wanted to talk to me, to hear my voice again. This only made me more angry, hurt. Because it made no sense, and it was mean. She was being cruel knowing what she did then acting like it was nothing.

"Who was that?" Kenji's voice pulled me out of the haze, and I realized I was clenching my jaw before I smiled.

"Nothing, just a friend."

"What are you hiding?" He squinted his eyes and pointed at me, "who was that?"

"Nobody," I grinned. I still didn't tell anyone Evelyn contacted me again because I knew what they would all say, and I've been saying to myself already, so I didn't see any reason for me to tell them and cause a headache to myself. Usually, I told Kenji everything, and I mean everything. This man knows about me stuff that I could even not know myself.

"Wait," he gasped, a smile drawing on his face, "was that a girl? Do you have a secret girlfriend we don't know about?"

"Why in the world would I have a secret girlfriend?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "but you really should put your leg in the game, I mean how long are you planning on staying single?"

"Umm, no thank you," I scoffed and grabbed a cookie for myself.

"Oh come on, bro, look at them," he pointed to Emma and Kai, Kai laughing about something Emma said before she killed his bishop.

"What about them?"

"I have no purpose anymore," he groaned making me chuckle, "I'm serious! I don't have anyone to matchmake. Jett hates our entire species, she threatened to burn the tangled movie CD when I asked her if she likes a boy once, and Zade is a total flirt."

"Ahhh," I nodded, "okay, well, I'm not being a part of this matchmaking game. Sorry."


"I'll tell you what," I cut him off, "how about you get yourself a new kid and fill your purpose on them instead? Leave me out of it."

He opened his mouth but then closed it again, tilting his head as if actually thinking about it.

"Tell me you're not actually considering this," Naz's voice suddenly came from around the counter, her hand freezing mid air about to grab the fridge handle.

"Of course not," Kenji waved a hand with a scoff, "we already got a kid that we kind of like, and he took over the good genes, what else would I want?"

"Mhm," she nodded her head slowly, but then Kneji looked at Kai, narrowing his eyes before tapping his chin lightly, he didn't even look like he meant to do that, "Kenji, I will seriously divorce you if you even think about it."

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