Chapter 1: Introductions

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Let's do this one last time...
Just, a little differently.
My name is Angel Vera, otherwise known as Night-Spider. Punk number one swinging alongside me is Hobart Brown (He prefers to be called Hobie though), Otherwise known as Spider-Punk.
And Punk number two that's flying on his technically advanced  skateboard is Phantom Moon, otherwise known as our Black Cat.
The three of us have been New York City's three and only protectors for the past 5 years. A lot to put on some "adolescents" I know.
I'm pretty sure you know the rest.

Hobie got bit by a spider one night when the three of us were exploring an abandoned lab. That night just so happened to be the night I got hit by what I call Venom in said lab. A symbiotic creature from outer space, but he's more like a parasite. (Don't tell it I said that)

While he got spider-like powers like superstrength, wall climbing and a super strong sense of danger. I got a symbio that I had to learn to bond with.
Hobie basically went through an early puberty stage. His body didn't change much, just more muscle mass.
I didn't change at all, well not physically. The only difference is having a head with teeth come out of me whenever Venom would talk to people other than me.

Hobie and I eventually told each other our secrets, as well as Phantom. He decided he wanted to help people with his powers so he made a suit mainly based in red, blue and black. All put together with a punk style, pins here and there along with spikes, belts and a cool ass spider symbol on the back. I (reluctantly) joined him. At first Venom was gonna cover my body in itself but once I saw how... exposing it was I was against it. So naturally I made my own suit, really just a black and very light periwinkle suit with black baggy pants. Venom now puts itself into the suit to protect me-well us since he's a part of my body now.
At first Phantom was our tech guy. Watching from the side while helping us with information and gear like Hobies web shooters and my boots and gloves that help me stick to walls.

I don't know when Phan started but when Hobes and I were on patrol we caught a burglar stealing from a high tech company only for it to be Phantom. Turned out he was going out on his own being a modern day Robin Hood like Hobie. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
Made his own suit and everything.
Obviously we three teamed up again, and here we are.

We've saved people from thieves, crazy scientists, a gang leader. Honestly the list goes on, balancing a crime fighting life is hard but we make it work.
Most importantly we protect each other, the three of us understand what it's like to be abandoned for who we are. Whether it be personality, life choices, sexuality or gender. I love them both unconditionally, and they love me.

"Night watch out!" I hear almost getting hit by a car. "Shit" I swing out the way to land on the side of a building, quickly webbing up the car before it can cause any damage. "Thanks Cat!" I yell back to Phan.

"Oi, Isn't that the bloke we took down last week?" Hobie says as he lands next to me joined by Phantom who lands on the roof above us. "Pfft looks like he got some upgrades, what's with the glowing horn?" He says. Now you're probably wondering "Who are they talking about?", well that would be this rhino looking guy.
Standing at what I assume is 6'4 roughly 300 pounds with a bunch of metal wielded around his body. Me and Hobie hung him up for the police to take care of but I guess they couldn't handle it.
"Uuuggghhh why today Mami's making empanadas" I say running a hand over my masked face.

We were on our way to my mom's apartment for dinner. Every other week we go so she doesn't have a heart attack thinking we died. A hero's work is never done I guess.
"Let's crack on then, the faster we deal with this sod the sooner we get to eat." Hobie says as he swings off.

He came here from the UK when he was 14. He still has most of his slang from then, at first it took me and Phan a minute to translate what he's saying but after a couple of years we got used to it.(Phan: A very long minute for me) Now it's just funny to see other people try to understand him. "Come on hun I'll stun him, you two take him down. Easy" Phantom winks as he gets on his board and joins Hobie.
Reluctantly I jump off and with a quick fwip venom helps me shoot a web that looks like it's encasing my hand in black goo over to them.
Right in time to kick Rhino in his annoying face.

"Bout time you showed up mate" Hobie says webbing up Rhino's feet. "Yeah yeah" Rolling my eyes under the mask I spot Phan throwing a stun bomb at Rhino. Said bomb hits his armor bouncing off instead of passing him out. "Damn it. I guess his tech is better than it looks.. surprisingly" I hear Phan say as I fly by him.
"Looks like he got an upgrade" I say "Don't push it spider!" I hear behind me.

Sadly the giant metal head had enough of a kick start to break Hobies webs and when he was up on his feet he was even more pissed.
"Whoa calm down there bud, no ones holding up a red flag" I said standing a bit ahead of him. "I don't think bulls can answer when they get that mad!" Phan calls out from his spot on a roof.

"SHUT UP I'M NOT A BULL!" With that his horn glows a more toxic green and shoots  what looks like a laser at me. Lucky for me Hobie scoops me up (with the help of venom using my hand to stick to him) before it can hit me. Quick intermission, remember when I said Hobie has like a 6th sense for danger? Yeah, I basically kept mine. Which means I don't have crazy fast reflexes like him, which venom helps with.

"Come on mate ya not that much of a muppet now are ya" Hobie says, holding on to me as we doge Rhino's beams. Without me he would be dead Venom's voice echoes in my head. "Ok can both of you shut up, not my fault I don't have a spidey sense" I pout, thanking the gods Hobie can't see how red my face is.
"Just havin a laugh at ya mate, don't get upset"  He laughs. "Whatever. Cat, do you have any Ideas?" I scream  while letting go of hobie (barley dodging a beam) and landing besides Phantom.

He was tinkering with a stun bomb "The only part of his armor that shows some skin seems to be under his chin, if one of us can get him to lift his head I can throw the bomb at him and knock him out long enough for the police to get him back in his cell".
"Ok so lift his head got it" I swing off barley hearing him say "And make him stand still for a second!".

"This job is such a pain in the ass. HEY HORN HEAD!" That seems to catch Rhino's attention as his eye's land on me. Horn head, really? Venom questions. "Shut up" I demand while watching Hobie web up Rhino again, this time holding him back by digging his heels into the ground.
He screams as he's held back from running into me. "What's the plan here Night?" Hobie yells over. "Just keep him still!" I swing myself on the back of Rhino forcing his head back with the help of venom. "This a good enough target Cat?" Phan comes down from his cozy spot on the roof and cheekily places the bomb on Rhino's neck. All the while he's screaming at us to let him go or saying we'll pay for this and blah blah blah.

"Perfect" Phan says, grabbing my hand to put me on his board with him. The timer goes off and Rhino goes down.
We start to leave but not before glancing at Hobes and saying " You got clean up this time me and Ang- uh Spider-Night are gonna go ahead and eat before "boss' thinks we died". And with that me and Phantom ride to my mom's place leaving an angry Spider-Punk to deal with both the police and Rhino.
"He's gonna get you back for that ya know". I hear Phan laugh " Yeah, but that's for future me to worry about."

Night-Spider and Black CatUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum