ꨄ︎ violets for roses ꨄ︎

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"Careful, ho-"

"Don't touch me." You yank her hand away. Your eyes connect with a pair of green ones, and only then do you realize your mistake. But you can't take it back. "Just... don't do it."

Despite being completely caught off guard and surprised, Lana offers you an apologetic smile. "All right. I'm sorry."

Once on the second floor, you walk down the hallway, bypassing the bathroom door. There are six, actually, so Lana thinks you'll choose a different one today. But your final destination is one she wasn't expecting you to take.

Your friend, although disoriented as hell, follows you silently as she has been doing. Of course, Lana thinks with some amusement as you make your way to the bathroom inside her very own room. The singer closes the door behind her, at the exact precise moment she hears you throwing up.

She's by your side in the blink of an eye. Her hands gently gathering your hair to avoid catastrophes.

"Lana..." You cry with your head practically inside the toilet.

"I'm here, honey. Just let it all out."

One of her hands comes to rest on your back, providing soft circular caresses All the alcohol you've been drinking in the last six hours leaves your system, which your stomach and liver are grateful for. When it seems that the chaos has ceased, you break into inconsolable sobs then.

Lana is frozen in place. Her gaze is glued to the purple bruises behind your neck, and the opening of your dress allows her to see a trail of them coming down your back. Her breathing is already heavy, but she blinks hard. One thing at a time.

"What- What is it?" She shakily asks, searching your face. "Does something hurt? Talk to me, honey."

It takes all the little strength left in you to turn around and face her. She frowns as you bring your hand to your chest, your body shaking from all your crying.

"You can't breathe? Is that it?" All of her worries begin to increase. "Inhale and exhale slowly, it's-"

"No... It's not that..." You manage to say between sobs. "My heart... My heart hurts. And I don't know how to make it stop. I can't-"

Her voice haunts your mind as tears slide down your cheeks. Why are you crying? Don't be stupid. You try to stifle your sobs and cries, put all the pieces of yourself together, but the soft hands in your hair are making it difficult. So you push them away. Lana still tries to comfort you but you won't let her.

"Let me alone, please..."

She doesn't want that. "I'm not going anywhere, honey." Her voice is soft but it triggers something in you.

"Just go away!" You exclaim, turning your face towards the wall, as if that would somehow hide all your tears. "Go away, Lana. Please..."

Wrap you in her arms, that's what your friend wants to do so badly. But she forces herself to stand on her feet.

"'Kay.... But I'll be right on the other side."

Lana gives you the privacy you want, leaving the bathroom door just a crack open. She then proceeds to sit down on her bed, sobs in the background. Her mind is overwhelmed with racing thoughts. You were hurt, physically hurt. You've fallen? Did you hit yourself? With what? And why in heaven do you keep pushing her away from you? You flinched at her touch, twice-and that has never happened before, not with her.

A shiver runs down Lana's spine as she thinks about the possibility of.... No, that would be crazy. Despite her flaws, Tiffany seems nice. She would never.... No, she would never hurt you.... Right?

lana del rey imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora