"Are you alright!?"

However, Choi Han's footsteps stopped when he saw Ciel who was more worried about the butler who was standing fine.

It's just that his pants were wet from the hot tea.

"You need to go to the infirmary room immediately! You might get burns!"

Ciel looked really worried about the butler.

The wrong one is the butler. Why does Ciel make it look like he is the one to blame?

That made Choi Han even more annoyed.  Even though Ciel's hands were red and his clothes were almost all stained with the hot tea.

And the shards from the tea ceramic also hurt Ciel's hand which had been trying to catch his body from falling to the floor in body instinct of defense.

"Don't touch me. You just make me feel disgusted."

The butler scoffed and walked past Ciel as if nothing had happened.

It made Choi Han want to beat that bastard to pieces.

"Ahh, I'm sorry..."


Choi Han couldn't believe that Ciel even apologized after that bastard gave him that dirty word!

And Ciel just cites the ceramic shards on the floor to clean them up.

Choi Han immediately approached and helped Ciel to pick the ceramic piece.

That made Ciel look at Choi Han with a shocked look.

"I'll pick this. You better go to the healer's room or at least the infirmary, Ciel."

Choi Han saw Ciel's injured hand and all his skin which had turned red because of the hot tea water.

"I'm fine! Thank you for wanting to help me!"

However, Ciel smiled brightly when he saw Choi Han helping him.

It was as if he wasn't in pain at all.

"I'll leave after collecting all these broken ceramics. What if someone falls in this place? They'll get hurt much worse than me!"

Seeing that, Choi Han cannot say anything and just helps Ciel pick up all the broken pieces.




Ciel let out a short sigh, which now seemed fine.

'My salary will be cut because of this.'

A noble's tea set was not something that was cheap.

"Hans, cut my salary for the tea set this morning. I accidentally dropped it on the floor."

Ciel goes to Hans for that.

Because Ron wasn't there, Hans was the one who arranged the salaries of all the servants working under Cale.

"Huh!? Are you okay!?"

Hans frantically looked Ciel up and down, making sure he was hurt from head to toe.

"I'm fine."

Ciel smiled brightly as usual.

"That's fine if that's the case. But if you want to cut your salary for that, you have to ask young master for that."

Hans scratched his head because he didn't want to tell Cale at Ciel's place.

He was the one who was scolded because he wanted to cut Ciel's salary if he told Cale.

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