Cafe Visit

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┏━━━✦❘༻Chapter 2༺❘✦━━━┓

It's been several hours since that "event" took place and I'm still confused by it, was it real? Was it not? Am I a schizophrenic? least I hope not. Well, anyways, to take my mind off of that situation, I decided to take a walk through the city. There weren't many people out since rush hour had died down and everyone was in school or work, not me though, I had decided to ditch school days ago. It felt useless to me, I saw no benefit, so I decided to drop out, well, not officially, I was still a registered student at Kamiyama High School, so if anything, if I was caught by an official..well, I'd be f#cked.

As I was walking I happened to pass by a cafe that I would normally go to on weekends, however, since it was 10 am on a weekday, it was much emptier, open, but emptier. I decided a good coffee would help take my mind off of that, you know what. "Good Morning" I was greeted by an enthusiastic voice of one of the staff members and I walked to a nearby table. It was quiet, I looked around and saw some people who I assumed to be college students and people who probably work remotely from their home who decided to go out for a break.

 It was quiet, I looked around and saw some people who I assumed to be college students and people who probably work remotely from their home who decided to go out for a break

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Whatever, I decided to pull out my laptop to make myself seem busy or that I was doing some school work, I wasn't. "Do you know what you would like to order?" A waitress came up to my table and asked. "Uh, yea, could I get a coffee" I said in a more polite and friendly tone, in an attempt to mask my normal apathetic self. "Coming right up" The waitress said before taking her leave and heading to the kitchen.

I continued to look around the quiet and nearly empty cafe with the occasional glance at my laptop to seem like I was actually doing work, not like anyone was even looking at me in the first place. I continued to glance around until something piqued my interest, a poster reading, "Leo/Need performing tonight at 7PM" "Huh, interesting" I studied the poster for a few seconds until, "Wait, they look familiar" "Oh, them , yea they're a fairly small band that plays here occasionally" The waitress said coming back with my coffee. "Thank you" I said grabbing the mug, but no, that wasn't it, they look familiar, have I seen them before...I guess it's my imagination (my memory could be very bad at times). "Say aren't you supposed to be in school" She asked. I froze, why did she, off all the people I would come across, have to be the one to ask me that, I couldn't just leave since I hadn't paid for my drink as of yet. "Oh, I'm actually home-schooled" I said in my normal monotone voice, forgetting my act due to the suddenness of the question, while gesturing to my laptop . "Oh I see, apologies, well, enjoy your drink" She said before leaving again. I typically had to lie often since I never knew what to actually say in these types of situation. Well, I knew taking my laptop out was a good idea.

After that, I finished my drink, paid and left. Before I left I took a flyer for the performance tonight. "Leo/Need huh" I muttered to myself before walking off and heading back to my apartment and throwing my bag on the floor and opening an envelope I had gotten from my mailbox prior to entering my place. I opened the envelope to find my monthly 100,000 Yen from my parents who had left me to live on my own after moving abroad for their work. I sighed and place the envelope on the table before laying on my sofa and watching TV. I would quickly change the channel to try and find something to entertain me, but to no avail. I would do this everyday with the same result, maybe I was insane, doing the same thing expecting a different result, whatever. I shut the TV off and just laid on the sofa staring at the ceiling before pulling the flier back out and analyzing it once more. "So it's at 7PM" I said to myself before setting an alarm for 6:30. I turned my phone off sighed once again from boredom.

After a few minutes of nothing, the memory of that incident started to flood my mind again

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After a few minutes of nothing, the memory of that incident started to flood my mind again. I sat back up "Was that really real?" I contemplated and after recalling the events and what happened after, me ending up in an alley far from the building I had jumped from then seeing three girls, wait...I quickly pulled out the flier for the third time and looked at the members again. That's why they looked so familiar, I had seen them after my encounter with blue hair. Well, whatever, must be a coincidence, I thought to myself before heading to my room and falling asleep.

1 - Emotion (Leo/Need)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ