05: Senju knows.

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Days was so fast. They eventually become friends with Takemichi and Mikey is glad about it.

But now, they have to face the reality. They need to save everyone get their own revenge for eveyone. Its time and will start now.

"Wow! I always know that it will look like this!" Keisuke said with full of amusement looking at the airplane toy that Mikey is holding.

Mikey is nervous, what if I lose control? What if I ruined it? What if—

"Awesome!" Senju shout while holding Mikey's shoulder trying to peak from behind, but since she's short she can't.

Mikey look at her, full of love, full of affection. He started at her while she's looking at what he's holding. She didn't even notice that Mikey has been looking at her for so long.

"Ehem!" Someone suddenly cough, Mikey look at that person. It's Takemichi with a grin.

Mikey rolled his eyes, Takemichi chuckled but look at Mikey seriously.

The plan, Mikey-kun. He mouthed and Mikey just nod.

They play the airplane for long until Shinichiro called Mikey to take a ride on his motorcycle.

Mikey ofcourse agreed because of the plan and told everyone to not touch his toy.


I saw Mikey's toy placed at the top of the table and nobody's was there. It won't hurt to play with it a bit, right?

I mean, its so cool! I really want to have a toy like that but Takeomi-nii always buys me teddy bear or a barbie which I don't even like.

I was about to get it but Takemichi appeared, he stopped my hand look at me while smilling.

I look at him confused, why did he stopped me? We can play it together y'know.

"Senju-chan, its bad to take someone's thing without asking for permission. If you break it, it may cause some chaos. So we better not touch it okay? We can just play at the garden, pretend superhero !" He said while smilling widely, actually lecturing me.

He—he's so matured, its like an adult in a child's body, but I know it just my instincts. It wasn't real.

But, not gonna lie. That hit me, no one had ever told me that. No one had ever lecture me for what is right or wrong. He was the first one. He can also be my brother too!

"Okay! Let's play in the garden together with Haru-nii!"

He just nod and we look for my brother. We played at the garden for hours until Mikey comeback with Shin-chan and Keisuke…and Take-nii too.

Mikey eventually looked for his toy, he played it with us again. I'm really jealous, why can't I play toys like that, it always girly things that I don't like.

I was just watching them played with it, Mikey let them borrow it for a minute. I know I can't, Take-nii won't like it and Haru-nii will get scolded because of me again.

They thought I didn't know or realize but I do, I just can't hold my self to do unusual things. It's normal for kids to explore the world and know what they want. It's always the boys. Why can't the girls too? They're also children who need to know things, they shouldn't limit it just because they're a girl. Let the child do what they want and just guide them, Takeomi-nii could never.


"We did it!" We high fived.

"We stop it!" Takemichi shout and hug me, I hug him back and laugh.

"Yes, we just did!" And finally we made a step for changing the future, and we're doing good. It just first step.

"But, don't me Mikey-kun! I saw how you looked at Senju earlier! That was so much affection!" He teased me while grinning, bumping my shoulder.

"H-Hey!" I said out of embarrassment.

She was just so cute while peaking at my back, trying to look at my toy while she's so short and small. Her eyes shinning while smilling widely, I never seen her smile for a while. And I miss it. So much.

"She was just so cute while doing it." I reasoned while looking away, I know my face look like a tomato.

"Know it!" He bump my shoulder again and jumping like he won a lottery.

Not gonna lie I want to time skip this when they're already fourteen-sixteen. Like this feels so illegal, they're children.

So the next chapter is a time skip and toman already built, that will be mikey and senju loving-loving(lol) before the fights>•<

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