Capitel 1.2

9 1 1

<<Mark! Bring out the empty glass bottles when you go on break>>
<<Got it>>
Mark went on a smoking break.
<<puhhh...ohhh Heachan!!!>>
Heachan turned around
<<Oh Mark>>
<<How've you been?>>
Mark nodded and looked at the boy
<<after you went home...>>
<<yea I got scolded..>>
<< did they hit you?>>
<<yeah... but it's been a while since I've been Abel to say what's on my mind.>>

Mark took a deep drag of the cigarette he was smoking and nodded. After that, he looked into the boys' deep brown eyes and asked << Have you been Abel to trust their affection for you since?>>
Heachan looked at the ground and then directly at Mark <<...I do have faith...>>
<< I see. Ohh!>>
<<what ?>>
<< no.. I just feel so careless with my words " Don't give up" >>
<<but it was you who said that I could run away here whenever I need to>>
<< heachan... it's fine now, but I'm leaving town this spring....>>

Heachan look displeased at Mark
*... I knew it. Being Abel to open up to him on our first meeting is all because he's not going to be around in the end. As well as his unequivocal concern for me. Even though I knew...*
<< ... I'm the kind of person that can't be on one place for too long. I've always moved from one place to another, and it won't change..that's why I wanted to tell you as soon as possible. I sorry.>> They looked at each other in silence <<but, I wasn't lying when I said you could run away here.>>
<<ohh yeah! I've been carrying this around to give you the next time we met. This is so you. Have a memeto.>>
Mark looked nostalgic in the air << The Mexican sea, which has no memories. Beautiful ain't it? I want to try going there someday. Though I don't really know what I'd do there. Either way it's what I'm aiming for... I thought if anyone would understand, it'd be you.>>

<<... the guys at this shop are good people. I'll let them know to help you out when i' gone.>>
<< I see...>>
Suddenly, the wind brushes hardly through heachans hair, and it falls back. Beautifully.
<<how much longer will you be around?>>
<< I tend to leave when I feel like my time is up. So until then.. will you be friends with me, Heachan?>>

* the way he touched me with his words and showed concern for me, I thought it was irresponsible and curle of hime to do that and just leave. But that's not it. He's also searching for a place he belongs. We're the same.*

<<of course. We're friends , Mark>>
They gave each other a hand shake and smiled <<You're in the middle of your shift, right? I'm going to go now.>>
Heachan turned around and started to walk.
<<Heachan! Are you free on next Monday? I'm still unfamiliar with this town. I was wondering if you could show me around?>>
Heachan smiled <<I free after mass.>>
<< alright then, let's meet here after 10.>>
Heachan walked away and smiled to himself.


Hello there, I hope you liked this chapter it was short but I hope still good. Tomorrow I will upload the next one maybe I will do 2 but i' not sure rn. Yea anyway I hope you had fun reading jt :)))

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