'He's doing good.' T.K. nods. Carlos walks over to the table, places the plate in front of Carter, and sits down.

'So, you wanna tell us what happened?' Carlos asks. 'Why aren't you at school and why haven't you been taking your meds?'

'The dumbass school put a new rule in place stating you can't take controlled substances on school property.' Carter explains. 'Hence, no meds.'

'Your Ritalin is prescribed, though.' Carlos states.

'Try telling that to the school governors.' Carter laughs. 'Anyways, I've been off them for like two months. Last week, I was in Chem lab and I was getting bored and distracted. We were using the Bunsen burners for an experiment. So, I started spinning the little thing that covers the hole and that may have resulted in a tiny fire.'

'Jeeze.' Carlos rubs his hand over his face.

'It tipped over and it fell on top of some paper. It was put out quickly. No one was hurt. However, they were quite quick to say that if I'd taken my meds, that it wouldn't have happened.' Carter carries on. 'I tried to say that I wasn't able to take them because of the stupid rule and they said that I was still able to take them. So, I grabbed a screenshot of their rule that said all controlled substances, prescribed or not, are forbidden. They redacted that immediately and in a meeting with the board and all that to discuss my future at the school, they showed the revised rule and I was kicked out.'

'Does mom and dad know all this?' Carlos asks.

'They do now. The school was apparently still refilling my prescription, just holding it hostage. Dad looked into it when they were told about the incident.' Carter responds.

'Isn't that illegal?' T.K. questions.

'Very.' Carter laughs, nodding. 'Dad is going to work with the Department of Education to file a complaint and launch a full investigation into the school.'

'So why aren't you with mom and dad then?' Carlos asks.

'I hightailed it outta that school the second I could and got an earlier flight. The flight I was meant to be on lands in like 15 minutes.'

'Carter.' Carlos groans, throwing his head back. 'Where's all your stuff?'

'Dropped them off at home in the garage before I came here. Mom and dad weren't home so I assume they already left for the airport.'

'I better call them then, let them know that you're here.' Carlos sighs. 'They're going to be worried sick when you don't turn up.' He stands up, gets his phone out, and walks off to call Andrea and Gabriel, his and Carter's parents.

'You should have told your mom and dad you were getting an earlier flight.' T.K. raises an eyebrow.

'I know.' Carter sighs. 'In my defense, a million and one things were already going through my brain and I just wanted to get out of there and I forgot. It was until I landed that I thought to call them but then it was just easier to go home but then they'd already left so I just dropped off my suitcases and came here.' Carlos returns to the table.

'Neither mom nor dad are answering.' Carlos tells them. 'I've left a message but I'll try again in about ten minutes.'

'Okay.' Carter nods as Carlos sits back down. 'I know I should've told them but-'

'It was in the back of your mind but with everything else you forgot?' Carlos finishes knowingly.

'Yeah.' Carter laughs and nods.

'You said you weren't taking your ADHD meds but have you been taking your others?' Carlos questions.

'Yeah.' Carter replies.

My Tears Ricochet (9-1-1: Lone Star)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora