D'Artagnan's Shirt Smells Like Frappuccino. Try Not To Lick It.

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Hellooooooo world!!! We've got a new Character in this chapter and an anonymous persons P.O.V.

Enjoy my lil' cupcakes!!


Blair Matthew

We take my Jaguar Crossover and head to the shopping mall. I check my watch and see that is it is 9pm.

After 15 minutes we reach the shopping mall and I park my SUV in my v.i.p parking spot(jealous much?). We go inside the shopping mall and start our quest to find clothes for the boys.

After 4 hours and 45 minutes of shopping....

"I'm sooo hungry I could eat a cow." I say. I was soo hungry that even people 10 meters away could hear my stomach growl.

It was a miracle that Mark and Josh boys shopped decently. Maybe Raymond told them to behave. But all three of them did flirt a lot with girls here 'nd there. I was really pissed but boys will be boys....

"Yeah....me too. Let me just put these bags back in the SUV. I'll meet you guys in the food court......at McDonalds?" Asks Raymond.

What a gentleman. NOT.

"Aye-aye captain" Says Mark, mocking a salute.

As Raymond turns around i notice something shining on his chest. And I see that it's my ring that i gave him when he left for Australia. I see the Fox pendant too.

"You still wear the ring i gave you?" i ask Raymond.

"Yeah, I never take it off. I see you still wear the necklace i gave you." He says with a smile.

"Yup." I say with a smile.

Then Raymond heads to the left where the parking lot is and me and the 2 boys head to the right where the food court is. We reach there and wait for Raymond. After 15 minutes He arrives and we order and eat.

An hour later the boys head to the Game C.D shop. When we reach there the boys start looking around for C.Ds. I'll never under boys and their Game C.Ds. It'll always be a mystery to me. They won't even notice their surroundings when their looking for C.Ds. It's like their blind to the world.

"Yo homies. I'm heading to Starbucks for a Frappuccino. I'll meet you guys in 15 minutes". I say.

Well that got their attention. Boys just hate it when their insulted. Muhahahaha, I laugh inwardly.

"You just ate!" Exclaims Josh.

"Sooooo.....?" I ask.

"Sooooooo, why do you wanna drink a Frappuccino when you just ate a McBurger-which has carbs by the way- and had a load of French fries? Aren't girls your age supposed to be on a diet and eat salad all day long?" Asks Mark.

"Oh please...you only live once and I'd rather live my life enjoying nutritious food rather than enjoying just "a" nutritious food. Besides, if you haven't noticed I practice gymnastics every day, for three hours at most and I have a good metabolism. Anyhoo, happy hunting! Ciao." I say.

"I'll never understand that girl." Mutters Raymond.

I smirk and head to Starbucks. I order my Frappuccino when I get there. I get my Frappuccino and leave quickly.

I turn 'round the corner and i bump into someone and in the process i drop my Frappuccino on my shirt. Dang it I liked this shirt.

"Aww man, I liked this shirt and I didn't even get to taste my Frappuccino!" I say angrily.

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