| Chapter 1 |

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I sigh as I pull out a cigarette.

I think about elementary school. When they told us about how smoking was full of poisons that would kill you before age 26. I hated it.

Mainly because my grandma couldnt go an hour without smoking. Whenever I stayed with her she woke up every hour throught the night to smoke and cough. I hated it because the lady in front of me at dollar tree had a horrible voice from smoking it.

I hated it because my dad smokes after he drinks. I miss being oblivious and ignoring his hurt.

But here I am. Cigarette in my fingers as I lay my head on my boyfriends shoulder.

"Whats wrong?" He asks looking down at me.

"Nothing Carter." I sigh lightly. I turn away and watch the party continue.

"Hmm." Was all he said. I got off from his arm and stretched.

"Im heading home. Im pretty tired." I lie. It was partly the truth. I was tired.

"Do you want a ride?" He asks expectantly.
I shake my head and give his cheek a kiss.

"No, I love you, goodnight." I say and turn around through the sea of people smoking, making out, and dancing.

I open the front door taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

It was September, school started today. I sigh and make my way to my car to see a couple leaning on it deep in each others mouths.
I honk the car and they shoot up quickly.

"Sorry, I gotta head home." I say opening my door.

I start the car and start humming to the song.

"Paranoia is in bloom.." I turn a corner finding a red light.

"The PR transmissions, will resume.
Theyll try to push the drugs that keep us all dumbed down.
And hope that, we'll never see the truth around..."

I tap my hand to the beat on my steering wheel. I look around and a guy in a nice car pulls up next to me, his convertable put down and listening to the song.

He nods at me before singing.
"They will not force us..." he belts offering his hand in my direction. I laugh shaking my head before joining him.

"They will stop degrading us.."

"They will not control us."

"We will be."

"Victorious!" We sing at the same time. The tears coming to my eyes.

The light turns green and he turns and I continue going straight. A tear falls down my facs. This song means something. The lyrics mean something. He means nothing.

I sigh not bothering to wipe the tears and I focus on the road.

The final verse comes on and I song along softly.

"They will not force us." I sing my voice quivering.

"They will stop degrading us."

"They will not control us."

"We will be victorious."


I pull into off the road and get put of my car.
The sun had set long ago. So it was just me and the wildlife.

I took a deep breathe before entering the mess of trees. I knew this place like the back of my hand. It was my place. Our place. Before he...

I entered the clearing shaking my head from the thoughts looking around. The moonlight lit up the lake in front of me and the pine trees covered the whole area around it.

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