Chapter Three: The Engagement

ابدأ من البداية

I let out a bitter laugh that was completely foreign to me. "You really think I can pretend that I didn't just learn that in four years I have to marry a guy I neither know nor love? Fat chance."

Sebastian grimaced at my sardonic tone. But he didn't say anything to me. My fury grew hotter, licking at my heart. I was being a complete bitch to him and he just sat there and took it! I narrowed my eyes at him as I leapt to my feet.

"Yell at me! Tell me to quit being a spoiled brat! Don't just sit there and take my shit! You should be just as mad as I am-more so! Your dad totally screwed you over! You have to marry a girl you don't know or like! And don't get me started on the age difference! You're what? Twenty-three, twenty-four? I'm seven-freaking-teen! This can be legal!" I raved, my nerves snapping.

"Does that really bother you? That I'm older than you?" He asked his brows drawn down in concern.

I balked at him. "THAT'S what you got out of that? That I'm 'bothered' by the age difference?"

"I wouldn't do anything . . . of the carnal verity . . . unless I had your permission and as long as you were legal," He said looking uncomfortable. "I'm not suggesting that we start dating, I just mean that we will be living together-"

"Living together? When was that brought up?" I interjected, plowing over his words.

"- and I just think it would be nice if we could be friends at least. If you're unhappy with me by your eighteenth birthday I'll help you find your own place." Sebastian finished pointedly.

I frowned at him as I began to pace across the room. "What about school? My life? My friends? What will I tell them about you?"

"That I'm your guardian. Our business is our business. As for school, you can still attend it. I can run you from here to school. I don't want to upset your life more than necessary."

I wanted to hate Sebastian King, but in truth he was just as much a victim as I was. I stopped my pacing, crossing my arms over my chest, gazing at him unflinchingly.

"I'm scared, Sebastian," I whispered as tears began to well in my eyes. "Everything . . . everything is happening, changing, so quickly. I've lost my parents, my life, everything I thought was real is gone. I just . . . I'm scared."

Sebastian got to his feet approaching me slowly like one would a frightened animal. Hesitantly, he placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch was warm and comforting. He bowed his head so that our eyes were level.

"I'm scared too. I've never been in charge of another persons' well being. I'm scared I'll fuck this up and you'll end up hating me. And I was angry-but that was a long time ago. Trust me, Elle, I fought this for many years. I will keep fighting it . . . if that's what you want."

I blinked back my tears, peering up at him in puzzlement. "What do you mean?"

"If you really don't want to marry me . . . I'll keep trying."

I frowned at him. Something in his tone struck me as . . . odd.

"Isn't-isn't that what you want? To have the betrothal broken?" I asked, curiously.

Sebastian didn't answer for several moments, averting his eyes from me, he gazed holes into the floor.

"A long time ago, Ellery, I realized something," he said, his voice quiet and pensive.

"What was it you realized?" I asked my voice a whisper, my heart was beating fast, my pulse racing.

Sebastian's gaze clashed with mine, causing my heart to still. His gaze was filled with an emotion so potent, so unfamiliar . . . it sent a bolt of excitement through my stomach. His hand moved down from shoulder, tracing his fingers down my arm until they came to my hand, which he took in his, giving it a gentle, but reassuring squeeze.

"I realized . . . that it wouldn't be the most terrible thing in the world to be married to you. That I could actually see myself growing old . . . with you," his gaze dropped to our clasped hands, and ducking down he placed a light, but somehow sensuous, kiss across my knuckles, sending a myriad of chills through me.

My heart bolted from my chest into my throat. His words were going around in my mind like a merry-go-round. I was suddenly overwhelmed by his nearness. Somehow, Sebastian senses this, because he released me, retesting towards the chaise couch.

"But like I said, I've known about this from the start. I've had time to think, to rebel, to come to terms with it. You have had no such luxury. I want us to get to know each other better. I would like us to be friends, and if that friendship should grow . . . I wouldn't be unhappy with that."

For just a moment I saw a flicker of something that set my mind whirling. But I had no name for such an emotion. I stood there before saying quietly;

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then I won't force you." He said without hesitation. "I will do everything in my power to set things right. I swear, Ellery, I will."

I gnawed my lower lip in thought. What did I have to lose? What was the worse that could happen? I live with a hot billionaire for a couple of months? Not too tragic really. I drew in a long breath before saying;


Sebastian stared at me in disbelief. "Okay what?"

"I'll live with you. So long as I don't have to switch schools and as long as thing don't get too . . . weird . . . between us, I'm all for it. I'll stay until I'm done with school unless I . . . ." I could say the words, they stuck like glue to my tongue.

"Unless you . . . decide to stay?" Sebastian suggested.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm not saying I will but . . . I . . . I'll give this . . . this thing a chance, I guess."

Sebastian nodded. "That's all I ask."

I sighed running my hand across my face. "This is too weird, you know that, right? Betrothals . . . it's so . . . medieval."

His quirked into the reminisce of a smile. "Maybe we can laugh about this someday."

Not likely, I thought but aloud I said;


We stood there, regarding each other, a drawn out silence stretching like an elastic band between us. It snapped to an end by Aunt Bet swinging the door open. Her gaze flicked from Sebastian to me, a disapproving frown on her face, which was quickly replaced by a expression of relief.

"Ellery, honey! Thank goodness you're awake! You scared me half to death fainting like that!" She came towards me, wrapping me protectively in her arms.

I returned her embrace tentatively, patting her gently on the shoulder.

"I'm fine, Aunt Bet," I said quietly, my gaze flickering towards Sebastian's retreating figure. "I'm fine."

The words sounded like lies even to my ears.

____________________Author's Note_________________________

A very productive night! I wrote this in two hours and it came out quite nice if I do say so myself ^_^

This way I'm uploading two chapters instead of one which is always nice, right? Right! I could not have done this without the musical genius of Paramore :) thank you for Riot! and Brand New Eyes. Speaking of them . . . have you listened to their new album? AMAZING! I can't go a day without listening to Hate To See Your Heart Break.

Please show your support of this book!!! It's hardest when first starting out, so vote, comment and follow please. I'll see you all in chapter Four :)

Xoxoo Amber

Mr. King and Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن